Here are your Union Briefs for Wednesday, March 6th:

The Congress that passed the Wagner Act of 1935 contemplated a board of “impartial government employees.” That was before Big Labor selected the political process to stem its decline and the Democratic Party as its vehicle of choice. Now, in exchange for hundreds of millions of dollars in political donations, Big Labor demands appointees to the NLRB serve its interests.
None have done so in a more partisan, less compromising, more militant fashion than the members of the Obama board.
United Auto Workers President Bob King says he has finally begun to stem the decades-long membership decline in one of America’s most powerful labor unions, but his goal of organizing at least one foreign-owned automaker in the South continues to elude him.
When unions feel threatened, they often take to threatening…
The Strongsville Education Association (SEA) is raging against the Strongsville City School District and substitute teachers today, as the union began an expected strike after eleventh-hour talks at the end of months of contract negotiations fell through in late February.
On March 3 prior to voting to strike, SEA members gathered outside Strongsville Police Headquarters, where the district was accepting applications for replacement teachers. Union members screamed “GO HOME, SCAB!” and “GET AN HONEST JOB!” from a gauntlet the Ohio Education Association local formed around applicants and passers-by.
- Relatedly: Teacher unions are busting themselves
Some Philadelphia unions fight dirty – literally.
And they’ve been so bad that the National Labor Relations Board, not usually an agency to take a stand against labor unions, has had to send them to a time-out.
Many foreclosure resisters his group works with are current or former union members—like Monique White of Service Employees (SEIU) Local 26, who lost her youth-counselor job to state budget cuts. White kept her house after she confronted the U.S. Bank CEO in front of 200 shareholders.
The local chapter of the Service Employees International Union, which represents about 800 University food and building service workers, is gearing up for a strike as March 11, the day they’re allowed to walk out, comes closer.
“At this point, we’re still planning to strike,” said Ricky Baldwin, SEIU lead negotiator.
The tentative deal requires state workers to pay more toward healthcare and retirees to pay health insurance premiums for the first time.
In the world of the bizarro…
…Oh, yes! And, cannibals…
“Truth isn’t mean. It’s truth.”
Andrew Breitbart (1969-2012)
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