There is No Smug Liberal Problem, Says Bee

Canadian Comedian Samantha Bee is just the latest in a long line of political comedy hosts produced by the “The Daily Show” empire. Despite being unable to vote here for most of her life and having no knowledge of American history, the Constitution or the framework of American freedom, Samantha Bee nevertheless has had plenty to say about our electoral system and our new President.


She also has the privilege of being protected from criticism under the “Hey, I’m just a silly comedian” banner.

Bee appeared on Jake Tapper’s Sunday show on CNN to talk about the convergence of comedy and politics in the Trump era.

Editorial side-note: Every election cycle that yields a Republican president also produces a segment of the left that truly believes this is the first time comedy has ever been so closely related to politics. The largest hubris of the modern left at this point in history is their sincere belief that they are the first generation to ever discover the intersection of politics and culture, when the rest of us have been living in reality for…well, forever.

“But is there a smug liberal problem?” asked Tapper.

“I don’t think there is,” replied Bee.

“I do the show for me and for people like me, and I don’t care how the rest of the world sees it quite frankly. That’s great. We make a show for ourselves. We put it out to the world. We birth it and then the world receives it however they want to receive it. “

I have a sincere respect for any artist who makes what moves them, despite push-back from those who don’t like it. It does give me the giggles that what she likes is being a smug liberal. Also, this interview comes the morning after the annual media circle-jerk that is the White House Correspondent’s Dinner where smug, liberal reporters congratulate themselves for being heroes who write words.


Looks like the entertainment wing of the left is bound and determined to get us a two-term Trump presidency.

Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that Bee is unable to vote. Bee got around to becoming an American citizen just in time to vote against Trump. The story has been updated. – editor


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