For only the second time in Louisiana history, the state legislature is holding a veto override session to overturn Gov. John Bel Edwards’ veto of the congressional redistricting maps passed by the Republican-controlled legislative branch. Edwards, a Democrat, says the maps are unfair, given that the state’s population is one-third black but the congressional districts aren’t one-third majority-minority.
And, for the second time in Louisiana history, the Republicans in the legislature appear poised to lose another fight. On his statewide syndicated show today, conservative commentator Moon Griffon said he’s not sure he wants them to be successful. I am not sure I disagree with him, either.
Clay Schexnayder, the Speaker of the House, pulled a fast one during the redistricting session, swapping out a map drawn by Senator Sharon Hewitt for his own map. According to some sources, Congressman Garret Graves was involved with this map, as it created a stronger district for him. It came at the cost of cutting some of the parishes in Congressman Clay Higgins’ district in half. Higgins has now come out forcefully against the Schexnayder map, calling it “deceitful.”
It’s a fight the Republicans in Louisiana didn’t need to pick, but the Speaker (who was elected to the position with the help of Democrats because a good number of Republican legislators did not want him as leader) chose to pick it, sowing discord among his own party as a result. Now, there is in-fighting among Republicans while the Democrats prepare lawsuits to sue over the maps regardless.
Meanwhile, you have Senator Bill Cassidy contemplating a run for Governor in Louisiana – a run that polls show would not be wise – despite his repeated slaps in the face of Louisiana voters (between his vote for impeachment and his support of Biden’s infrastructure monstrosity).

In Washington D.C., the Biden administration is set to repeal the Title 42 directive that forces immigrants at our southern border to remain in Mexico. They are doing this despite Mark Kelly of Arizona begging them not to because the border is a major issue in the voters’ minds right now. The Biden administration also wants to raise $1 trillion in new taxes and continues to attack domestic energy production.
This comes despite all the polling just getting worse. The Democratic Party is poised to lose big this year, but most of them continue to go far to the left, chasing moderates and independents back toward the Republican Party.
I am starting to get the feeling that the Democrats and the Republicans actually want the same thing: They want to be in the minority because they’d rather have someone on the other side stop them from doing what their voters want them to rather than be honest and admit that they don’t want to do actual work. They just want to campaign off the issues and stay in their seat without any of the stress of doing the job.
Do the Republican leaders in Louisiana’s legislature actually want a Republican governor to come in with the next election cycle? Doesn’t seem like Schexnayder wants to work with a potentially Republican governor – he’s making noise about running for Lt. Governor next year. His campaign issue will be how he led the fight against John Bel Edwards in two veto legislative sessions.
Just… you know, ignore the fact that he wouldn’t have lost any veto fight if he’d actually been a leader and pulled his caucus together.
The Democrats in Washington don’t want to be in charge of Congress. They want to keep their seats and let Republicans block all of Biden’s agenda. That way, they can continue to campaign off the Republican obstruction and raise money without really needing to fight for anything.
Meanwhile, across my state and across our country, we suffer from their laziness and corruption. They don’t seem to care, really. I mean, they care enough to send out their fundraising emails. But there isn’t a real solution being put out there by either side.
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