The Republican National Committee faced fierce backlash from the Left and the Right when it reversed its position and went back to supporting Roy Moore, despite numerous and likely credible accusations of inappropriate relationships with teenage girls.
The National Republican Senate Committee, however, will be making no such reversals.
NRSC Chair Cory Gardener (R-Colorado) spoke today on the issue, and left it in no uncertain terms.
That is a solid, principled position for Gardner, and it’s one of the very few times I’ve felt the NRSC is making the right call.
On this, the day that Al Franken announced his resignation from the Senate over serial groping accusations, one would hope that the accusations against Moore would lead Republicans into a similar come-to-Jesus moment and even Moore’s allies decide that the right thing to do here would be to step down.
But, he won’t. The NRSC, as a result of the allegations against Moore, won’t back him. Ben Sasse of Nebraska threatened to quit the NRSC had they done so, and Gardner doesn’t seem like he’s going to budge.
Good on the NRSC. Principle over party is the right way to go.
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