Stalinist Tactics Are on Full Display: Willing Media Erasing Kamala's Leftist Senate Record

Nikolai Yezhov with Stalin along the Volga Dam, doctored. Yezhov removed from the image after the great purge, an example of Damnatio memoriae. The faces and background are brightened. Stalin in center, Molotov left. Shot sometime in April 1937. (Credit: Public Domain)

When Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin met his end, Joseph Stalin had been plotting the takeover for years. He had positioned himself in the bureaucratic state for just that. When he seized power, he attempted to eliminate threats to his power grab. He eliminated vast portions of the power elite, including members of Lenin’s inner circle, becoming the General Secretary of the Communist Party. He wasn’t picked by anyone as Lenin’s successor – he aligned himself to take over as Lenin’s successor. 


After Lenin died, most people who wanted to keep their heads got into lockstep behind Stalin. Leon Trotsky didn’t, and he paid the price with an ice axe to the brain. The Great Purge followed.  

Stalin and Trotsky were expert at eliminating opposition to communist rule and “converting” those who had voiced a less-than-enthusiastic support for their power. Newspapers that wrote anything that wasn’t effusive support disappeared. Editors were sent to the Gulags. Journalists disappeared or were given a choice. Support us, or disappear.  

Stalin had a habit of disappearing the past. Before Photoshop, there was Stalin and his airbrush team and goons who would rewrite history. There is a famous before and after photo of Stalin and a henchman standing next to the Volga River. That man was the head of the NKVD (The People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs), Nikolai Yezhov. Yezhov's image was airbrushed out of photos. One such photo has become something of a meme for erasing history.  

After Joe Biden was forced out of running for president, the power elites in the Democrat Party anointed Kamala Harris as the party’s pick. In 2020, she was inept at campaigning. Her positions were so scattered and so far left that even Democrats hated her. She was forced out before the Iowa Caucus. In 2024, without a single vote, she has been anointed as the next Obama. 


The party has a number of problems with the undemocratically picked Kamala Harris, not the least of which is that, as noted, she didn’t get a single person to vote for her. But the lapdog media knows that Harris’ biggest problem isn’t that the party apparatchik picked her; it is her record of being left of Bernie Sanders (I-VT) that they fear will be her undoing.   

Harris has a well-documented history of leftist positions that are as "AOC" as one can get. Recently, the “non-partisan” "GovTrack" has eliminated/scrubbed a page on its ranking that had Kamala Harris ranked as the most liberal senator in the U.S. Senate in 2019. There are plenty of leftists in the Senate, yet Harris was ranked ahead of Sanders, Chris Murphy (CT), and Chris Coons (DE).  

GovTrack has said that it took the page down not to hide Harris’ history of leftist positions and her leftist votes in the Senate but to change the ranking to include two years rather than one. When ranked over two years out of 100 Senators, Harris was ranked the second most liberal senator.  


And other media will soon be doing their part. Axios got the memo and has already started. Axios and its willing lackeys are editing pages and eliminating facts that make Harris look bad, i.e., modifying "history." As we enter into the election homestretch, the left and its willing media will attempt to change the narrative or attempt to change written history. A perfect example of this effort is the claim that Harris was never “Border Czar.”  Democrats and willing media are removing that title from her resume or refusing to talk about it.   

“Harris was never NAMED Border Czar...” Much like Bill Clinton trying to redefine “is," media and “non-partisan” players will gaslight and spin Harris’s past and attempt to change history. We can look forward to gaslighting and spinning and page links disappearing, but Republicans will keep her failures front and center. Harris and her spin team can’t airbrush people out of photos like Stalin did. Those days are gone. The internet is forever. But what they can do is disappear pages from websites and hope that people have short memories.   


We aren’t the Soviet Union, and Harris isn’t Stalin. Stalin was a skilled politician and eventually had total control of the media. Sure, Harris has [most of] the media in her pocket, but she cannot erase history — her history is forever, even if there are toadies willing to erase pages on websites. 

Sorry, Dems, the internet is forever.  


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