In my opinion nothing symbolizes Biden’s failure as a president more than the Afghanistan debacle a year ago. The withdrawal was a tactical and strategic catastrophe. The State Department and the Pentagon have yet to release their reports. Congressional Republicans have released theirs. I have little doubt that both State and the DoD will white-wash Biden’s failures and chalk up the disaster to the “fog of war.” However, the only fog was the vapid space in Biden’s head. Recent revelations about Mark Milley being little more than a backstabbing political animal leaves no doubt that Biden has surrounded himself with incompetents.
Milley testified that he did not envision the rapid and total collapse of the Afghan government and its military. That was a stunning and damning admission. America possesses the most robust intelligence apparatus on the planet. We have both civilian and military electronic surveillance that is the envy of the world. Even without the best electronic and human intelligence at his disposal, one would think Milley, with several decades of experience, would have had the foresight to see this looming mack truck. But Milley isn’t much of a soldier — he’s a third-rate politician dressed in camo. This cartoon was shared by Seb Gorka.

When the total collapse became apparent, Afghan men stormed the tarmac of Kabul airport looking for a way out. Biden’s poll numbers started their downward trend as men were hanging onto landing gear. They fell along with Biden’s poll numbers and so did America’s confidence that Biden had any idea what he was doing. This cartoon was shared by Don Trump Jr.

We withdrew in August of 2021. In the rush to get out, we left Americans behind and billions of dollars of military gear and equipment. The Taliban quickly seized it all and paraded their free guns, trucks, helicopters, and ammo for the whole world to see. Joe armed the Taliban with American hardware.

In the final days of the rush to get any and all Afghans on planes, there was chaos at the Kabul airport. In the tumult, 13 soldiers were murdered by homicide bombers. Joe’s response was to greet the bodies of 13 dead Americans and to check his watch for the time. Classy. He followed that awful failure of leadership by retaliating. He mistakenly bombed a family of 10 innocent people including children. He turned them into pink mist, and the official response was — oops.
One year ago, Biden gave us a taste of what to expect. Abject failure and inept leadership.
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