Elie Mystal is a racist, race-baiting “justice correspondent” for The Nation. He’s a loon who frequents CNN and MSNBC to trash everything about America, starting with the Constitution (and to sell his books). Mystal hates the Constitution. He hates those who wrote it. He appeared on “The View” to label the founders as “slavers, colonizers, and misogynists.” He called the Constitution “trash.”
And, for Mystal, everyone who doesn’t accept his racist rants as undeniable indisputable fact, is a racist. Everything about Mystal is wrapped in his racist “America is awful” mysticism.
When Elon Musk announced his intention to buy Twitter, Mystal was quick to jump on Musk, labeling him a racist and implying that Musk, if he bought Twitter, would pore through private messages of black people. I have a hard time wrapping my head around how completely bat guano crazy that is, but Mystal’s rants always range from tin foil hat crazy to utter lunacy.
On Saturday morning, he appeared on MSNBC’s “Cross Connection” hosted by Tiffany Cross. If your response was, “Who?” you’re not alone. I had no idea who she was. She’s another version of Joy Reid – but younger.
I watched some “Cross” clips (so you didn’t have to). Her show is a monochrome cornucopia of race-baiting, race-blaming, and racial hated, punctuated with guests who agree with her. Is Cross a racist? Well, you can be the judge. When she was discussing the Will Smith slap, she said the following:
“I want to be really clear while we talk about family talk, I think it is utterly ridiculous to center this conversation in the opinions of white folks.
She, like most of her colleagues at MSNBC and the clowns at CNN, manipulate graphics to lie, and Cross used a manipulated quote to make a 2020 Trump tweet look as bad as possible.
Except, that is not what Donald Trump wrote. He wrote:

On Saturday, Cross ranted about anyone in Trump’s orbit and those who voted for him. She hates you too. And what did she have to say about hateful, violence-starting Trump?. Cross said:
“Trumps indifference to black and brown lives, outrageous policies that endangered us all… did you really think that the dude who said when the looting starts the shooting starts wasn’t going to encourage violence, because we did.”
I wrote about a story in which AP also claimed Trump incited violence with that tweet. Neither AP not Cross cite a single bit of evidence to support their feckless claim. The “Extremists Will Respond” never happened, at least not in response to Trump. Plenty of Antifa thugs and looters responded and caused billions in damage, with dozens murdered. Violence, started by rioters, was already erupting in American cities. To this date, no one has ever connected any violence to Trump’s tweet.
Facts don’t matter to Cross. Facts never matter to Mystal. On her show, Cross pitched Mystal a beachball and Mystal hit it. Mystal wished that Hell exists, just so Trump can go there. Cross nodded her head with glee in agreement. Yes, let’s send Trump to hell.
Here’s the video:
.@ElieNYC: "I’m willing to believe in Hell just so that Trump has some place to go in the next life to be held accountable" pic.twitter.com/OqJF14BrNJ
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) July 30, 2022
These are people who already hate America. Trump was an excuse to hate her more.
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