I started at RedState in June, so the window of “best” cartoons is just six months. However, Joe and Co. gave me a steady supply of cannon fodder for my digital pen. Here are just a few of the topics:
- Joe Biden. 10 years ago he was just an incompetent gaffe-master. Now, he’s a houseplant. A walking stalk of broccoli. His doctor-on-call, Dr. Jill Biden, is the power behind the puppet. Two years ago, she knew Joe wasn’t competent to operate a toaster, let alone be the president. But Dr. Jill desired to be the First Doctor — and here we are.
- Kamala Harris. She’s Veep because she’s a woman, and has more melanin than Amy Klobuchar. Harris is easily the worst politician in modern history. I’m not sure Kamala has reached her peak in awfulness.
- Afghanistan debacle.
- COVID debacle.
- Democrats are a debacle, in general.
Some “famous” folks like Don Jr., Seb Gorka, and Gov. Greg Abbott shared my cartoons on social media, which was nice. I had fun drawing this year. I hope you had fun following along.
Hunter Biden. His paintings sell for hundreds of thousands. He pockets millions. The irony wasn’t that Hunter is paid millions for doing something he’s completely unqualified for (that defines his entire life). The irony rests in his method of “painting.” He uses a straw and blows… a lot.

The “plot” to kidnap Michigan’s governor turned sideways. There were about equal amounts of feds as conspirators. Imagine a conspiracy meetings where all of the conspirators are feds.

Joe Biden’s crack social media team announced that because of Grampa Joe, you’d have an additional…16 cents to spend. I pictured a millennial Biden voter being handed a 16-cent burger by his dad. Maybe junior will get the message. Maybe not.

August saw Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal turn into a disaster. Thirteen dead Americans. His poll numbers dropped out of the sky, while he treated the Taliban thugs like peacekeeping partners.

Mark Milley. We were told by General Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, that “white supremacy” was a major concern. Milley never saw the collapse of Afghanistan coming, so I don’t take too much stock in what he has to say. No wonder Biden likes him.

Off the Rails Anyone with a working frontal cortex saw that Joe Biden was a walking carrot, so the Democrats responded with “We Stand With Joe” campaign. Joe’s coo-choo went further off the tracks and over the cliff.

Kamala Harris‘ poll numbers make Biden’s look like a pop star. She’s terrible at her job. She is good at one thing — stepping on rakes. She’s hated by her staff and ignored by the West Wing. We already know what America thinks of her. She’s underwater.

‘Jacovid Witnesses.’ Covid has become a cult. It’s populated with mask Karens yelling at unmasked people in parks and stores. Airplane Kappos informing on others. Forced jabbing of children. Feds coming to your door for jabs or to check your “Papers, please.” Just another New Age cult.

Andrew Cuomo was shown the door. The original Cuomo-Sexual had many titles. Emmy winner, best-selling author, sexual predator, and the Butcher of Albany. His brother followed him to the unemployment line. He wasn’t brought down because he sent the elderly to their deaths then lied about — he was fitted with cement goulashes for his predations.

Liz Cheney is a member of the January 6th Commission providing Pelosi with a veneer of bipartisanship. But it’s just Cheney in a blue dress. In December, she read aloud text messages that she thought were super-damning. They did the opposite.

Dr. Jill Biden, the most famous doctor in the land, knew her husband wasn’t mentally fit to be president. Yet, he’s president. I imagined Jill reading the presidential briefing book to Joe, and her wearing his presidential jacket with a “Dr.Jill” sticky, cross-dressing as a Dr. President Jill.
And finally, the year isn’t complete without “Let’s Go, Brandon.” Joe was punked on TV during a Christmas Eve event. A dad said: “Let’s Go, Brandon.” Joe agreed with the caller.
“Let’s Go Brandon” is Joe’s enduring legacy, and it’s permanently inked into the history books.

I’ll have COVID Cultists, the Bidens, Harris, Fauci, Pelosi, Schumer, commies, and the whole woke mob to mock.
Here’s to a great 2022!
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