I was excited to join PJ Media Senior Columnist Stephen Kruiser and Townhall Staff Writer Ellie Bufkin today for the third episode of Townhall Media’s ‘War for the White House’ podcast, a twice a week podcast that gives you an in-depth analysis of the 2020 Election. It’s hosted by a rotating cast of your favorite conservative writers across the Townhall Media family, which includes Townhall, RedState, PJ Media, Twitchy, HotAir, and Bearing Arms.
In this episode, we covered the trainwreck that was DNC 2020, the Dems’ celebrity fetish, why Kamala Harris is a terrible VP pick, California’s AB5 and its federal counterpart (PRO Act), and how the GOP can win back seats in the House.
We had a lot of fun recording it, and I hope you’ll enjoy listening to it – and that you’ll share it with your friends!
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