David Harris Jr. has been a familiar face among conservatives, especially since the publication of his 2019 book, Why I Couldn’t Stay Silent. Along with being an author, Harris is an entrepreneur, podcaster, and conservative influencer who works to debunk and derail the divisive racial, political, and assumptive barriers that plague the nation. Recently, Harris has joined the fight to save our children from the leftist transgender agenda and has recently partnered with Brave Books to promote conservative values and a patriotic spirit among our young.

A Town Worth Defending was scheduled to be released on July 4, 2023, in honor of the Independence Day holiday. But demand was so fierce that Brave Books upped the release to Friday, June 30, to launch the extended Independence Day weekend. Harris spoke with me about a great offer with the book’s early launch, as well as the great adventure and lessons for kids housed between the book’s pages.
A Town Worth Defending tells the story of Dirt Creek, one of the last outposts of the Deserted Desert. The townspeople are on the verge of calling it quits when an evil gang of possums threatens to crash a train filled with explosives into the town, seeking to wipe out the very foundations Dirt Creek was built upon. Enter Rowdy the Raccoon, who reminds his fellow citizens of their ties to the town’s history and what will be lost for future generations if the possums are allowed to have their way.
I asked Harris, in the current global push to make everyone citizens of the world, why are patriotism and national borders still important? Harris’ answer was insightful.
Note: apologies for some inconsistencies in the audio, which was giving us difficulty during the interview.
We have only reached this point of needing to find new and unique ways to instill patriotism in our children because American parents abdicated this role to the educational system, which has its own agenda, and certainly not to instill a love of one’s country. Harris discusses what parents can do to stem the tide of Leftist indoctrination and how consistent engagement in their children’s lives to embed and reinforce the values they wish their children to have is important.
Through A Town Worth Defending and its lessons that the entire family can learn, Harris emphasizes that it takes leadership and commitment to right the train of our own cultural derailment. The book encourages all of us to champion freedom and cherish our rich American heritage. A pointed reminder as we enter our weekend celebrations leading up to Independence Day.
Freedom isn’t free. Freedom requires leaders who stand against the cultural tide. Those leaders are birthed through love of country and a patriotic citizenry.
You can find A Town Worth Defending, as well as the other books in the Brave Books series at bravebooks.com.
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