Cicely Davis, Republican candidate for U.S. Congress, defeated two challengers: Shukri Abdullahi Abdirahman and Royce White, to win the official endorsement of the Minnesota Republican Party. This victory ensures that Davis has all the financial and logistical resources of the Minnesota GOP and the Republican National Committee. As the endorsed Republican candidate, the party apparatus is at her disposal to support her congressional campaign, and all party officers are also sworn to support Davis as well.
That’s quite a get, especially in light of who Davis is looking to unseat. It is Rep. Ilhan Omar, currently serving (using the term lightly) Minnesota’s District 5.

Omar is part of the so-called “Squad” that includes Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley. Just like her cohorts, Omar says stupid things without basis and works to undermine the standards and values of the United States rather than support and work for the good of her constituents.
Davis alleges that Omar does not represent Minnesota’s District 5.
“This is a tone deaf leader. She’s not present, and she’s not interested in actually being a representative of this constituency,” Davis said.
“Which is why I’m stepping up, to hold her to account.”
I had the opportunity to speak with Cicely Davis about exactly how she plans to do that. I found out some facts that are not widely reported, or tacitly ignored, about Minnesota District 5. Like the demographics of the district, who is really responsible for electing Ilhan Omar, and how Davis plans to overcome the obstacles to unseat Omar and replace her in the House of Representatives.
Davis emphasized that despite the uphill battle she has the advantage, because in her District,
“the most pressing issues are kitchen-table issues. Those issues are not partisan issues, both Republican and Democrat families are concerned with them.
So, this leaves an opportunity to make inroads to literally lead by collaboration. To have present, relevant leadership that actually listens to the constituency here and lead people to the polls to vote on families.”
The Minnesota primaries are August 9. Summer can be a long stretch, and voters have short memories. While Davis’ former Republican challenger Shukri Abdullahi Abdirahman has given her full-throated endorsement, the other candidate, Royce White, chose to stay in the race and will be another Republican on the primary ballot. With two Republican candidates making their case, it has the potential to muddy the waters.
Davis issued this statement after she won the Minnesota Republican Party endorsement:
“Now is the time to close ranks as a party. I’m grateful for Shukri Abdirahman’s endorsement and support, who pledged to work with my campaign. I sincerely hope that my other Republican challenger who fell short on votes today will suspend his campaign and work with me and the people of this district to build the movement necessary to win in November.”
I asked Davis about how the Minnesota primary works, and her chances of rising above the noise and seemed division of having two Republicans on the primary ticket. Davis also had some salient words about political celebrity, and how it poisons true discourse and leadership.
Along with knowing Minnesota’s 5th District and knowing the issues that plague it, Davis has a vision about how she plans to stay connected to the constituents and not get sucked into the Capitol elitist club should she prevail in her bid to unseat Omar.
Davis has a clear bead on what the people of the district truly want, and she knows she is the one to fit the bill.
“The people want to know that you are willing to do the work. They’ll send a worker, they’ll send a leader to D.C.
“They don’t want someone who’s just lazy and takes that vote for granted.”
Ilhan Omar’s career thus far reflects not only taking her own constituents for granted, but the American system and the American people. From my conversation with Davis, her platform reflects the exact opposite, as well as a pulse on the issues that concern Minnesotans and all Americans.
To discover more about Cicely Davis or support her campaign, visit her website.
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