Brave Books Founder and CEO Trent Talbot is making huge strides in partnering with conservative politicians, pundits, thought leaders, and influencers to create children’s books that counter the WOKE culture of the Left.
Just in time for the launch next week of The Fight for Freedom Island, the latest book in the BRAVE series, Brave Books has spearheaded a new partnership with Moms for Liberty to support the grassroots foundation in their fight to restore the Blessings of Liberty to future generations.

BRAVE Books and Moms for Liberty have agreed to partner together to defend the freedoms American families have clung to since the foundation of the U.S.
Moms For Liberty is a nonprofit organization that has a mission to organize, educate and empower parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government. Co-Founder Tina Descovich said this about the partnership:
“We look forward to working with BRAVE to get more balanced books into the hands of kids across the country.”
With over 15 county chapters nationwide, they have hopes to continue to build the membership base and place balanced wholesome books in every school in the country.
BRAVE Books kicks off the partnership by donating 1,500 books to Moms for Liberty and committing to give 10% of sales the partnership helps bring in to the Moms for Liberty Foundation. BRAVE’s CEO, Trent Talbot had this to say,
“When we heard about Moms for Liberty’s mission we fell in love and knew we wanted to work with them. Once we got to know Tina and Catherine and the rest of the leadership we were blown away at their hard work. They had a grassroots effort that was so similar to that at BRAVE and we immediately knew this would be a great partnership. We hope this donation and partnership helps them build momentum because what they do is so important.”
The “Catherine” Talbot speaks about is Chapter Chair for Moms for Liberty Orange County Catherine Rahimian. Rahimian is the driving force behind “Moms for Libraries,” a new initiative within the Moms for Liberty movement that seeks to put liberty-minded books in school libraries across the country.
Rahimian played a foundational role in crafting the partnership between Moms for Liberty and Brave Books, and will be an instrumental part in seeing Moms for Libraries flourish.

This is the second book donation drive in Brave Books history, and certainly will not be the last. On MLK Day, The Hodgetwins and Brave Books gave away 10,000 copies of More Than Spots & Stripes to families across the nation. On Monday, The Hodgetwins hung out with Talbot at the Brave Books warehouse to sign books.

To support the Moms for Liberty initiative on any purchase, use the promo code “MOMSFORLIBERTY” or use this link.
To support Brave Books’ work of instilling conservative values into future generations, visit their website and subscribe to the BRAVE series.
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