Washington State Anti-Gunners Are Now Targeting Firearms Dealers With New Legislation

AP Photo/Marco Garcia, File

Washington state lawmakers are continuing their offensive against gun rights. It wasn’t enough to propose legislation that would essentially outlaw self-defense. It wasn’t even enough to try levying an extra tax on ammo to make it harder for people to defend themselves.


Now, they are targeting gun stores with legislation that would make it even harder for them to stay in business. Progressive proponents of the proposal would argue that the new restrictions they seek to impose on gun sellers are intended to make people safer. But even Mr. Magoo could see this proposal for what it is: Another form of gun control.

Washington State House Bill 2118, which was recently proposed by far-leftist Democrats, is a comprehensive piece of legislation that would place even more regulatory requirements on licensed firearms dealers. The bill focuses on several key areas including licensing conditions, security measures, record-keeping, surveillance requirements, and additional operating mandates.

If this bill is passed, gun stores will be required to install enhanced security measures. These include bars, grates, or commercial-grade metal doors on all exterior doors and windows. Firearms dealers will also have to install security alarm systems with remote monitoring and real-time surveillance capabilities.

Gun stores will also have to secure all of their firearms in locked containers or display cases during business hours. Outside of business hours, they will have to store them in a locked, fireproof safe or vault.


The legislation also imposes mandatory fingerprinting and background checks for employees involved in the sale of firearms. They will also have to undergo regular training and certification.

Gun sellers will also be compelled to keep detailed purchase and sale records and report them to the state attorney general each year. They will also have to maintain $1 million in insurance coverage “per incident.” The bill would also place specific fees on different categories of firearms and ammunition licenses.

These are only a few of the requirements with which gun sellers will have to comply if this ridiculous law is passed.

Each of these requirements would place an undue and unnecessary financial burden on Washington’s gun stores. It could cause at least some of them to go out of business. Others might have to raise prices on the products they sell to make ends meet, thereby making it harder for citizens to keep and bear arms, which appears to be the entire point of the proposed legislation.

This law won’t keep anyone safe. Chances are, most, if not all, gun stores in the state already have some sort of security system. They are selling deadly weapons and are fully aware that they could get in trouble if their negligence leads to a violent crime.


The proposal is one of several laws that Washington lawmakers seek to pass to limit gun ownership under the guise of protecting public safety. In reality, they are only putting more obstacles in place for those seeking to obtain the means by which they can defend themselves if they are accosted by violent criminals who care nothing for progressives’ cherished gun laws. In the end, this law will only place more people in danger.


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