The progressive left is so allergic to opposing views that they will even avoid having to engage with people on their side who don’t quite follow the prevailing narratives of the day. Their propensity for avoiding dissent is evident in the case of Glenn Greenwald, who stated that far-left news media outlet MSNBC has prohibited him from appearing on its network.
In a conversation on former Fox News Anchor Megyn Kelly’s podcast on Monday, he stated that he is no longer allowed to appear on MSBNC. The two journalists spoke on various issues, but when the discussion turned to the news network, Greenwald mentioned his appearances on the network with hosts Rachel Maddow and Chris Hayes.
He recounted his time on the network with the two hosts. “I used to be really good friends with Rachel Maddow,” he said. “Before she got her MSNBC show and was on Air America, I used to go on all the time, and we used to bash Democrats from the left as a fraudulent political party.”
He continued, “She’s very, very smart. Same with [MSNBC host Chris Hayes], who’s been a longtime friend of mine. I used to go on both of their shows all the time to kind of feed the audience whatever they felt like they wanted them to be fed.”
Greenwald then recalled how things changed when Greenwald became critical of the Russia collusion narrative. “And then once I became a critic of Russiagate, I basically got banned from the network because I became a critic of their coverage of it,” he claimed.
When Kelly asked Greenwald to confirm that it was an official ban, he stated that “tons of friends” from MSNBC told him that he was “totally, formally banned.” He said, “I have producers who tried to book me, and they get told, ‘No, he’s on the no-book list.”
MSNBC denied Greenwald’s claims in a statement that the network released to The Hill. A spokesperson working for the network stated that there is no ban on the journalist, explaining that none of MSNBC’s shows has asked for him since 2016.
However, when The Hill reached out to Greenwald, he told a different story. “I was told this in 2017 and early 2018 by two separate producers with two separate shows that they were told never to book me,” he said. “I should also add that it’s not just me but several liberal-left journalists — including Matt Taibbi and Jeremy Scahill — who used to regularly appear there and stopped once they expressed criticism of MSNBC’s Russiagate coverage and skepticism generally about the narrative.”
Taibbi recently had a conversation with The Hill in which he asserted that “woke” politics has infested the world of journalism and is systematically destroying the Fourth Estate from within. “Essentially the problem is if you say a certain thing, and an employee accuses you of racism, either your career is over or your reputation is ruined,” he said.
Even more recently, former MSNBC producer Anna Pekary resigned from the network because she grew weary of its constant focus on politically-charged reportage. “The problem is the job itself. It forces skilled journalists to make bad decisions on a daily basis,” she wrote in a blog post explaining the reason for her departure.
It is not difficult to see that the corporate press is becoming more and more intent on pushing the progressive agenda. Many journalists, even on the left, have lamented the fact that the media is no longer slightly biased to the left, it has become a full-on propaganda apparatus for the progressive movement.
Establishment media outlets essentially function as a marketing team for the far-left wing of the Democratic Party, and over the past four years, its agenda has been on full display. Given this reality, it is no surprise that they would blacklist people like Greenwald and Taibbi. They can’t have people on their own side calling out their BS, can they?
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