So, I attended a Black Lives Matter protest in Austin on Wednesday evening. The event was held in response to the decision not to indict two of the officers involved in the killing of Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky. As you might already know, the announcement of that decision sparked riots and looting in the city which resulted in 127 arrests.
But protests against the Breonna Taylor decision also ensued in major cities across the nation including my hometown of Austin, Texas. Typically, I do not engage in conversation with members of these groups because it typically doesn’t go anywhere once they find out that I’m not on the left.
But this time, one of the Black Lives Matter/Antifa activists approached me and we discussed police brutality and its impact on the Black community. It was evident from the conversation that this young lady, who I nicknamed “Mandy,” had been indoctrinated into the Church of Progressivism as are many college-aged folks in Austin.
In this video, I talk about the conversation between “Mandy” and myself and what it reveals about the national Black Lives Matter organization as a whole.
While I do not subscribe to the belief that Black Lives Matter is a terrorist organization, which is a devastatingly unpersuasive argument, it is evident that the national group is what I call “White Progressives in Political Blackface.” These aren’t individuals who have the best interests of the black community at heart even though their younger, more impressionable members might sincerely believe they are fighting for the disadvantaged.
In reality, these white leftists are participating in these protests to push for an agenda that their leaders wish to inflict on the entire nation. They are using black faces as the front for a Marxist movement designed to bring down the nation and rebuild it in their socialist image.
While many of the young ones involved in these movements are indoctrinated and manipulated, there can be no doubt that those at the top know exactly what they are doing. They have conned and indoctrinated these folks into their Marxist dogma and have essentially transformed them into willing foot soldiers eager to do their part in the battle for social justice. Unfortunately, they are fighting for a movement that will do more damage to the ones they say they wish to help.
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