Our Principles PAC has been doing yeoman’s work trying to bring to light Donald Trump’s history of Liberal views and opportunism. With the Iowa caucuses nigh upon us, they have gone all in to make sure Iowa voters know the truth.
One of the central parts of their efforts is a voter information guide they have mailed to 100,000 voters in the state. You can read it all here. The job they do exposing his hypocrisy on immigration might be the most important part of this guide, as that’s why he’s really taken off among certain groups of voters. Here’s what they say (click to enlarge):

Beyond this, they cover just about everything you can think of, whether it’s his Reform Party Presidential bid in 2000, his friendship with the Clintons, his support of higher taxes, and his advocacy for single-payer healthcare, and so much more. What’s so concerning about that last one is that his most recent comments in support of such a system came only last year:

The whole 6 page guide merits a read, and all of their assertions are well sourced. They are not merely making reckless accusations and failing to back them up. Nevertheless, if you don’t have time to read it, spare a minute and watch Our Principles’ latest TV ad in the state:
As the ad notes, there are a lot of tough questions we should be asking about Trump, and it doesn’t look like he can handle them. The more scrutiny we give to his record, the more the already flimsy case for him as a consistent, principled conservative falls apart. We do not have to write articles and columns condemning him. As OPP has done with their ads, all we have to do is air Trump’s own words. They are more than sufficient to expose him as a phony.
Our Principles PAC has also set up the website TrumpQuestions.com to make sure we know the truth about his liberal past. Everything in their voter guide is there and more, including their awesome ad that came out last week. As our former Editor Erick Erickson noted at The Resurgent last week, that ad legitimately changed people’s opinions to the negative about Trump. I expect that both this guide and their latest ad will sway more people against him, and he has no one to blame but himself for being unable to resist the urge to open his mouth.
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