A fascinating article, written by Judicial Watch’s Chris Farrell, a former counterintelligence case officer, recently appeared on the Gatestone Institute’s website. Just when we thought we could recite every text message ever exchanged between Page and Strzok, along comes a new one. In December 2015, Page wrote to Strzok, “You get all our oconus lures approved? ;).”
Because, believe it or not, the FBI is prohibited from such activities as investigating a major political party’s candidate for the presidency, they needed to find an alternative. Farrell explains that their alternative was to “manufacture a foreign counterintelligence (FCI) “threat” that could then be “imported” back into the United States.” He writes:
Plausible deniability, the Holy Grail of covert activities, was in reach for the plotters if they could develop an FCI operation outside the continental United States (OCONUS) involving FBI confidential human sources (Halper, Mifsud, others?) that would act as “lures” (intelligence jargon associated with double agent operations) to ensnare Trump associates.
We have evidence of these machinations from December 2015 when FBI lawyer Lisa Page texts to her boyfriend, the now infamous FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok, “You get all our oconus lures approved? ;).”
The coup plot failed, but the chief coup conspirators are free, crisscrossing the country on book tours and appearing as paid contributors to CNN and MSNBC.
There are several indications that Attorney General William Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham may be zeroing in on the truth about the attempt by top Obama administration intelligence officials to crush the candidacy and then the presidency of Donald Trump. If Barr and Durham succeed in their mission, it will expose the “single greatest threat to the Constitution since the nation’s founding.”
We know that Durham has focused increasingly on the actions of London academic Stefan Halper, a longtime FBI informant who was paid close to $1 million by the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessments (ONA). It is believed that ONA official James Baker, who was Halper’s “handler,” leaked the contents of General Michael Flynn’s December 2016 phone call with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak to Washington Post writer David Ignatius. The two had, or perhaps still have, lunch together once a week. (This is not the same James Baker who served as the FBI’s top lawyer in 2016.)
We know that Barr and Durham made two separate late summer trips to both Rome and London to meet with foreign intelligence officials. We also know that Durham is in possession of the cell phones used by Maltese academic Joseph Mifsud in 2016, when he was alleged to be pursuing a junior foreign policy advisor to the Trump campaign, George Papadopoulos. Shortly after news of these trips was reported, the Durham inquiry into the origins of the Trump Russia probe transitioned into a criminal investigation.
Farrell points out that the intelligence agencies of the federal government are prohibited from targeting American organizations in the United States. Executive Order 12333, Section 2.9 states:
Undisclosed Participation in Organizations Within the United States. No one acting on behalf of agencies within the Intelligence Community may join or otherwise participate in any organization in the United States on behalf of any agency within the Intelligence Community without disclosing his intelligence affiliation to appropriate officials of the organization, except in accordance with procedures established by the head of the agency concerned and approved by the Attorney General. Such participation shall be authorized only if it is essential to achieving lawful purposes as determined by the agency head or designee. No such participation may be undertaken for the purpose of influencing the activity of the organization or its members except in cases where:
(a) The participation is undertaken on behalf of the FBI in the course of a lawful investigation; or
(b) The organization concerned is composed primarily of individuals who are not United States persons and is reasonably believed to be acting on behalf of a foreign power.
Farrell explains
The alternative to a purely domestic intelligence operation targeting a major political party’s candidate for the presidency (and later, president) was to manufacture a foreign counterintelligence (FCI) “threat” that could then be “imported” back into the United States. Plausible deniability, the Holy Grail of covert activities, was in reach for the plotters if they could develop an FCI operation outside the continental United States (OCONUS) involving FBI confidential human sources (Halper, Mifsud, others?) that would act as “lures” (intelligence jargon associated with double agent operations) to ensnare Trump associates.
We have evidence of these machinations from December 2015 when FBI lawyer Lisa Page texts to her boyfriend, the now infamous FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok, “You get all our oconus lures approved? ;).”
To inoculate themselves from further charges of misconduct and criminality, the FBI’s mutually agreed upon lie is that their investigation of Trump/Russia began on July 31, 2016 with the improbable name “Crossfire Hurricane.” That coincides nicely with their manufactured FCI “event,” allowing the full-bore sabotage of all things and persons “Trump.” The coup plotters used a July 2016 event at the University of Cambridge as the opportunity for Carter Page to meet and develop a friendship with Stefan Halper. This is roughly the same time period that Australian diplomat Alexander Downer reported the supposedly drunken ramblings of George Papadopoulos concerning the Russians having Hillary’s emails to the FBI. Papadopoulos had already serendipitously met the mysterious Joseph Mifsud in Rome during the second week of March 2016. Learning that Papadopoulos would be joining the Trump campaign, Mifsud let Papadopoulos know that he had many important connections with Russian government officials.
During Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s July 24th testimony before Congress, which was an unmitigated disaster, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) questioned him extensively about this. Mueller repeatedly uttered, “I can’t get into it.”
Through his questions to Mueller in the five-minute clip above, Jordan lays out the case against the FBI. He points out that Mifsud lied to the FBI three times, yet he was not charged with a crime. In the meantime, he tells Mueller that his team charged Rick Gates, Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos and even three-star general, Michael Flynn, with making false statements. Mueller simply answers, “Can’t get into it” or “It’s outside of my purview.” (Note: It was the day after Mueller’s humiliating performance, July 25th, that President Trump’s conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky took place, providing the Democrats with the basis of their current hoax.)
Farrell concludes:
The coup plot failed, but the chief coup conspirators are free, crisscrossing the country on book tours and appearing as paid contributors to CNN and MSNBC. A bright note in the so far grim saga is that one of the collateral casualties has filed a civil lawsuit in the Eastern District of Virginia against Stefan Halper and MSNBC for defamation, conspiracy and tortious interference. It’s the closest thing we’ve seen to justice to date. The complaint makes remarkable and insightful reading.
It is now time for Mr. Durham to “get into it,” in a manner Mr. Mueller was either unwilling or unable to do. Time is of the utmost importance. The American public needs to see action. Indictments and trials are the only antidote for the poison of treasonous sedition.
For many of us, the release of the House Intelligence Committee’s impeachment inquiry report was the last straw. Republicans need to fight back. Based on early leaks from IG Michael Horowitz’ forthcoming report, slanted as they may be, it appears it will not provide us with much new ammunition. There is a limit to how many more blows Team Trump can absorb. The Democrats never should have been allowed to get this far. Farrell is entirely correct that it’s time for Americans to see some indictments and trials.
Mr. Durham, are you listening?
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