It was apparent after watching the Sunday morning talking head shows that the talking point coming out of the Democrat convention was going to be Democrats are unified and energized to defeat President Trump in November.
As I’ll point out in this piece, the Democats are not unified and the only energy the Democrats are generating is emanating from their fringe, far left wing base that is currently looting and burning down Kenosha, Portland and several other Democrat controlled cities.
The “historic” Harris/Biden campaign (And no, that is not a typo) did not receive a bounce even after nominating the first Black female vice presidential candidate for a major party.
A new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll showed virtually no change in Biden’s image ratings, which remain split evenly between voters who view him positively and negatively. And other horse-race polling shows Biden with a large lead over President Donald Trump — but still roughly where his advantage stood going into the conventions.
The “historic” campaign didn’t even receive a bounce after Joe Biden’s well read teleprompter acceptance speech was reviewed favorably by Democrats and Republicans like Laura Ingraham and Karl Rove.
Bernie Sander’s 2020 presidential campaign spokeperson Briahna Joy Gray, who is African American and not a fan of Bidens’ VP pick, praised Bidens’ speech with a sarcasm that shows the real discontent among the Party’s progressive base: “They did a really good job tonight for a party indifferent to the progressive vote.”
The leader of the so called “Squad” of female freshman progressive congresswomen, Alexandra Ocasio Cortez, felt the convention’s focus was on the wrong demographic:
“The target audience for this convention was white moderates who aren’t sure who they’re voting for in November. Do I agree on centering the programming around that audience? Not necessarily! I think we could have done more to rally turnout enthusiasm from our party’s base.”
Ocasio-Cortez seems to be overtly telling Party leaders – and Harris/Biden – not to believe their vote is already sowed up. Factions within the Democrat Party are not happy this cycle with their standard bearer who many feel is just an old white guy that is out of touch and not liberal enough.
Problematic for the Democrats is that Ocasio-Cortez represents two demograhics the Democrats need to turn out big this fall in order for them to win: Millennials and Latinos.
Rock and Roll hall of fame member and rapper Ice Cube believes African Americans are once again getting the short end of the stick from the Democrat Party:
“Where’s our f**king bailout? A lot of people getting up [at the DNC] talking and everybody really eating it up, throwing their hands in the air like they just don’t care — but what I didn’t hear was: what’s in it for us? What’s in it for the Black community? Besides the same old thing we’ve been getting from these parties. What’s in it for us, for real? I didn’t hear anybody mention a contract with Black America — and I don’t know why because it’s one of the most comprehensive reform documents that’s come about in a long time that could really address the problem. But the way it looks, they don’t have a plan,”
The media may try and tell us the “historic” Harris/Biden campaign is steam rolling to victory in November with all Democrats on board but that is a myth.
The only thing Democrats have unifying them is their Trump Derangement Syndrome and its questionable that will be enough to counteract the enthusiam of Trump supporters. Will simply voting against someone, rather than voting for someone, be a strong enough incentive to drive out heavy Democrat turnout? We shall see.
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