Remember Al Gore’s prediction that by 2014 there would be no ice left in the Arctic?
The prediction carried a fairly precise expiration date. Once 2015 rolled around the former Vice President’s credibility on his pet issue was permanently and irreparably damaged.
The same fate should befall the people who predicted the end of the Internet once Federal Communications Commission Chair Ajit Pai’s revocation of the Obama-era’s so-called net neutrality rules took effect. The Taxpayers Protection Alliance reminds us in a video that you can actually still watch on the Internet right now!
Democrats in the Senate are scrambling to repeal the repeal of net neutrality and say they just need one more vote. Sens. John Tester (D-MT) and Cory Booker (D-NJ), um, played basketball in an attempt to convince their colleagues to save the Obama administration’s regulations. I wish I was making this up.
It’s all very silly. We still have ice in the Arctic and the Internet is still alive.
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