TrumpCare is Donald Trump’s version of taxpayer-funded, government -controlled health care. Keep the Promise 1, one of a group of Super PACs supporting Sen Ted Cruz, has taken the Donald to task with an ad attacking TrumpCare. The 30-second spot will air in Iowa through the caucus and begin airing in South Carolina next week as part of an existing $2.5 million ad buy.
Voice over: First there was HillaryCare
Hillary: We have to get to universal health care
Voice over: Then there was ObamaCare.
Obama: Moves us in the direction of universal health care coverage in this country.
Interviewer: Universal health care?
Trump: I’m going to take care of everybody.
Interviewer: Who pays for it?
Trump: The government’s going to pay for it.
Voice over: Donald, don’t you know HillaryCare, ObamaCare and TrumpCare are government-run health care.
Right Donald, the government will pay for it. Maybe Trump wants to revitalize the Taxed Enough Already crowd.
Kellyanne Conway, president of Keep the Promise, said that the Conservative response to ObamaCare led to “massive electoral gains for Republicans” in 2010 and 2014, but was not an issue when former GOP nominee Mitt Romney dueled with Obama in 2012:
We should not be fooled again. Who can we trust to protect freedom and choice in our healthcare? Ted Cruz, who literally stood against ObamaCare and on his feet for 21 hours straight on the Senate floor, or Donald Trump who was taking his cues from Washington liberals and advocating for universal health care, the ultimate goal of both HillaryCare [and] ObamaCare?
I am truly amazed at Trump’s New York values.
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