As the battle for the Republican presidential campaign defied conventional wisdom and devolved into a two-man race between two non-Establishment candidates — Sen. Ted Cruz and Billionaire Donald Trump, the Republican Establishment has panicked. That’s right the Party and Congressional leadership, the donor class and even the dreaded consultant class have started to “cozy up” to Trump any way they can. At the Atlantic, Molly Ball writes that the GOP Establishment prefers Trump to Cruz. And at the Resurgent, Erick wasn’t so delicate about it. In two different pieces Erickson made it very clear that even though they don’t think Trump can beat Hillary, the Establishment choose Trump over Cruz in order to preserve their status quo because they hate Cruz.
This comes after months and months of the Establishment saying Trump would not and could not be the nominee because of his bellicose and hateful campaign rhetoric. This is what the GOP Establishment seems to do best these days. They say one thing and then do the opposite. Unfortunately we have seen this all to often. Cruz said it best last July on the floor of the Senate:
There is a profound disappointment among the American people because we keep winning elections and then we keep getting leaders who don’t do anything they promised …
We’ve had a Republican majority in both houses of Congress now for about six months. What has that majority done? First thing we did, in December, is we came back and passed a $1 trillion ‘cromnibus’ plan filled with pork and corporate welfare. That was the very first thing we did. Then this Republican majority voted to fund ObamaCare, voted to fund President Obama’s unconstitutional executive amnesty. And then leadership rammed through the confirmation of Loretta Lynch as attorney general. Madam President, which of those decisions would be one iota different if Harry Reid were still majority leader? Not a one. Not a one. This Senate operates exactly the same — the same priorities…
And it all got even worse when the GOP-controlled Congress passed the omnibus spending bill last month. To show they could get things done they passed what Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer said was basically the Democrats’ agenda. So yes, it would be just like the GOP Establishment to back Trump.
I can’t think of a better endorsement for Ted Cruz than the GOP Establishment coalescing around Trump.
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