If you haven't heard of the torture and murder of Sam Nordquist, let me fill you in on the gruesome details. I want to forewarn you that some of these details are absolutely disturbing, but I think hearing about how this murder went down is important for context, not just for this article, but for what we call the "transgender movement."
Sam Nordquist was a woman who identified as transgender. She had traveled from Minnesota to New York to visit her online girlfriend in September and decided to stay permanently. There she lived until December when she was kidnapped, tortured, and then killed. Seven people are currently being treated as suspects, and according to police, she knew every single one of them.
According to The Federalist, the methods by which she was tortured are horrific:
The details of her torture and death are each too difficult to imagine, let alone as a series of relentless horrors. According to police, Nordquist was starved, beaten, treated like a dog, forced to eat feces and urine, tied up, and had bleach poured on her. Her body was then abandoned in a field.
Two children were reportedly forced to participate in the crimes.
Yet, despite all the evidence pointing to the fact that Nordquist's murderers were all people she knew from the LGBT community, the media and advocacy groups are doing their absolute best to avoid stating these facts.
The New York Civil Liberties Union released a statement saying that this murder comes amid "nationwide attacks against trans people, led by a federal administration hellbent on erasing their existence,” effectively blaming the murder on Donald Trump.
Minnesota's Democrat Rep. Leigh Finke released a statement saying Nordquist deserved better, ending her statement with "We will never stop fighting for our freedom. Trans liberation now,” suggesting she was a victim of society, not her LGBT peers.
As The Federalist reported, a Change.org petition was created to pressure police into making this a hate crime, purely under the assumption that this was done out of anti-Transgender sentiment. The Ontario Country District Attorney stepped in and confirmed that this wasn't one, and that Nordquist's murderers were, in fact, of the LGBT community, but this seemingly hasn't changed anything for those wanting this to be a hate crime:
Even these facts no longer seem to matter. GLAAD, a prominent LGBT advocacy organization, insisted, “Anti-LGBTQ hate can be perpetuated by anyone, regardless of their relationship to the victim or their own gender identity or sexual orientation. Multiple studies have shown, for example, that transgender and gender non-conforming people are at increased risk of experiencing intimate partner violence.”
These LGBT activists are so insanely obsessed with anti-LGBT hate that they’ve created a new category where an LGBT person can commit “anti-LGBTQ hate” against his own partner. Ironically, they reveal an important truth in this fanatical need for victimhood: The most dangerous threats to LGBT people are usually other LGBT people.
Back in 2023, I wrote what I still consider to be the most important article on transgenderism I've ever written, as it cuts through the nonsense that the media dresses the movement with and gets down to bare-bones facts.
Among those facts was destroying the idea that the transgender movement was the largest societal victim in our nation, as the movement, the left, and the legacy media are consistently trying to paint it as a helpless recipient of everyone else's hate, whether it be suffering hate speech or hate crimes. As I point out in the article, this is absolutely false.
But among those facts was pointing out a study proving transgender people are more likely to commit violent crimes than actually be the victim of one, and that most of the violence suffered by the trans movement are done by the trans movement itself:
In fact, in 2021 only two murders of transgender people were being investigated as a hate crime out of the 44 transgender deaths that year as listed by the Human Rights Campaign itself. The Human Rights Campaign admitted that up to 74 percent of the transgender murders that took place since 2013 were committed by a friend or intimate partner.
According to a report from analysts in the UK that tracked their violent crime, the numbers taken between 2007 and 2017 found that transgender people were 58 percent more likely to murder than be murdered.
Are transgender people being murdered? Absolutely, and it’s usually by their own hand. According to the National Library of Medicine, 82 percent of transgender individuals consider killing themselves, and of those, 40 percent have tried to kill themselves. That statistic gets higher the younger the transgender person is.
If you'd like to read the article yourself, follow the link below.
(READ: Transgender People Are Not Under Threat and Their Movement Is the Height of Narcissism)
The truth is that the transgender movement is filled to the brim with mentally sick people. You don't need research to see this, you can deduce that from just watching their marches, speeches, and their obsession with displaying themselves in various ways in front of children. This is a movement of Cluster B personalities, displaying histrionics, narcissism, over-dramatized views of mundane events, and some are even prone to making impulsive threats.
They are obsessed with conflict, and they create it for themselves and everyone around them.
As they've demonstrated, they can also be capable of extreme violence. Nordquist is just one of many stories, with the most popular of them all being the shooting of the Covenant School in Nashville where six people died, including three children.
This is not a movement filled with victims. It's not pure as the driven snow. It is a group filled with highly troubled individuals and violence. That the press and various groups attempt to paint it as anything else isn't just irresponsible, it's dangerous to our society. These people don't need parades, affirmation, or power. What they need is help.
We need to start finding ways to help these people deal with their demons, not exacerbate the issue by lying about them while celebrating them at every turn. As it's pretty clear, it doesn't just harm society overall, it harms transgender people as well.