
Is a Different Kind of Sexual Revolution on the Way?

AP Photo/Aaron Favila

Winds in the east, mist coming in, like something is brewing and about to begin. Can't put me finger on what lies in store, but I fear what's to happen all happened before.

There's something about the current state of the sexual landscape that isn't okay, and while you could say it hasn't been okay for some time, I'd say that recent events have truly brought it into the lowest state it's been for some time. 

Back in April 2021, I wrote that men are becoming exhausted by the hypersexual woman after seeing the reactions to Cardi B's performance of “WAP” during the Grammys. Even then, it was pretty clear that the value of women with "high body counts" who make overt attempts to highlight their sexual prowess was becoming old hat. Men were beginning to tune out as this became too normalized, and there was no escaping it, especially on social media sites like Instagram. 

Moreover, this focus on sexuality only served to drive a wedge between men and women, not bring them closer together, as this modern age taught women to turn to reject traditional values and embrace this new age of "empowerment" and "independence," which too often caused them to focus on the self. As a result, men are slowly becoming desensitized to the overt sexuality of women.

(READ: Men Are Getting Tired of the Hyper-Sexualized Woman)

Fast-forward to 2025, and we're currently seeing that hypersexuality go from artistic displays to overt practices. In an article I published on Wednesday, I mentioned a video by YouTube creator Sydney Watson that covered the predatory nature of "influencers" on sites like OnlyFans. 

These women don't just display their naked bodies or release videos of themselves having sex anymore. These "influencers" have moved into far more degenerative territory. One of these women Watson talks about, Lily Phillips, recently reached mainstream attention after she filmed herself having sex with 100 men in 24 hours. 

The other "influencer" in question is called "Bonnie Blue," who openly touts her exploits with young men in interviews as something that isn't just good to do, but that she provides "education" to the young men she sleeps with. If you have the stomach for this kind of thing, please feel free to watch the video. I actually helped Watson write it, and it will definitely deepen your understanding of what I'm about to predict. Just to warn you, some of the things Watson covers here are not for the easily shocked. 

Suffice to say that some of the things these women get up to are considered "stunts." Phillips, for instance, after sleeping with 100 men in 24 hours, announced she'd be doing it with 1,000, which is physically impossible, but she's going to give it her best shot. 

Bonnie Blue, whose real name is Tia Billingham, has now been kicked out of two different countries after attempting to sleep with teenagers by going to schools and trying to pick them up. Billingham recently went viral after attempting to approach a young Christian man working at a 5 Guys restaurant and propositioning him, only to be rejected as he told her he was saving himself for marriage. 

(Watch: Disgusting OnlyFans 'Influencer' Bonnie Blue Propositions and Is Rejected by Young Christian Man)

It was interesting watching this moment for several reasons; for one, it's fun watching someone like Billingham be rejected by the type of people she tries to prey on, but also because I feel like this moment is going to be one of many pebbles that will create an avalanche. 

With many men becoming disillusioned by modern sexuality, and many men moving more toward seeking a less promiscuous, traditional woman, moves like this being celebrated could trigger another sexual revolution. But unlike the one in the '60s, this one will go in the opposite direction that will ultimately cause women to want to shut their legs, not open. 

Ironically, this will result in more sex, not less. Allow me to explain. 

After the sexual revolution of the '60s happened, men and women were engaging in sex out of marriage more and more. The taboo had seemingly been lifted, and this caused a number of things to happen, albeit unintentionally. Women had once held all the power when it came to sex, but thanks to giving it away to men who no longer had to work hard for it, as well as the invention of birth control, sex lost its value. Now easy to obtain, relationships began to deteriorate as intercourse no longer came with promises and vows. Marriage wasn't as important anymore in the modern era. 

As the gulf widened, and modernity emphasized career-driven goals rather than homemaking goals or having children, sex took a back seat. Hypergamy played hell with successful women's dating options, and men became less and less apt to approach women in an increasingly gynocentric corporate world. The cherry on top of all this is that as internet ingenuity produced apps and websites like "OnlyFans," prostitution became even more popular. But sex became even less likely as men were now drawn to having a parasocial relationship with women they'd never touch yet still get attention from, rather than risk getting into a relationship with a modern woman who is self-obsessed and wholly ignorant about the nature and feelings of men. 

(READ: Women Want to Know Why Men Don't Want to Marry Anymore...Allow Me)

Narcissism rules the day because we've fed a culture where narcissism is in vogue and very profitable. The issue is that this kind of development actually dissuades sex while purporting to celebrate it.

But now, we have the growing resentment of men toward modernized women and hypersexuality. Men are increasingly, openly saying they want a traditional woman with a "low body count" despite accusations of sexism, patriarchy, and misogyny being leveled at them for it. 

You also have these stunts being pulled on OF, displaying overtly whorish nature as something worth celebrating, which is having the opposite effect many of these women intend. It truly seems as if many men are turned off by these grotesque displays of sexuality. The trend on social media is to call these women out for what they are, predators and whores, and to make sport out of their rejection. 

The trad wife movement, while a fling a few years ago, developed into a very real, steadily growing reality of women who want to settle down with a providing man and raise a family, as they're sick of the corporate grind. 

Here's what I predict. Both the sexualization of women and the rejection of it will continue to grow. The former will become so grotesque that it will push men into a movement of rejecting this bilge, which will have the effect of repopularizing sexually promiscuous women. In response, women will begin to reduce their promiscuity, becoming less apt to simply have sex with anyone they aren't seriously committed to, though this may never reach the point of marriage. 

Women with lower body counts will be preferred when it comes to having serious relationships, and this will actually begin to reverse what the first sexual revolution did. Soon, commitment will come back into play with sex, and men will become more apt to be someone worthy of having sex with. This will, in turn, lead to more sex being had. 

That's my prediction, at least. I pray it comes true, because we need to start closing the gap between men and women soon. Some things are coming around the bend that will test the connection. 

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