Yesterday, I wrote an article covering a video by Grabien, which featured the top 10 most egregious moments of the media in 2024. It was a solid video from a solid media service and if you're curious, you can watch it through the link below.
(Watch: The Top 10 Most Egregious Moments in Media in 2024)
But it got me asking myself what the best moment in 2024 was overall, and after some consideration, I think the best moment this year was actually one of the most tragic. Seems odd to say a thing like that, but this singular moment affected so much that the fallout from it will affect the world for decades to come.
That moment was, in my opinion, the attempted assassination of Donald J. Trump.
You know the story by now. Pretty much everyone does. Trump was giving a speech on a stage in Butler, Pennsylvania, and as he did, a man climbed onto a roof and got into position with his rifle. People saw him getting to his position and attempted to tell law enforcement. Regardless of all the warnings, the shooter was able to get set, and he took several shots at Trump.
Despite having a clear shot and not a lot of distance, the shooter miraculously missed. One of the bullets came so close to hitting Trump, it grazed his ear due to Trump moving his head at just the last second.
Secret Service tackled Trump to cover him, and as he rose he made them stop, and he pushed his fist into the air, shouting "Fight." The crowd roared in celebration and determination. The American flag waved above his head as he pumped his fist, and soon he was shuffled off by the Secret Service, and taken away.
As the news got around, people witnessed the replay from their homes. Those who saw it doubled down on their support for Trump, and it received widespread condemnation, even from some individuals on the left. Those on the left who were overjoyed to hear about the attempt, angry about the fact that the shooter missed, or even celebrated the death of Corey Comperatore, only caused hearts to deepen their resolve to put Trump in the White House.
It didn't help that the legacy media didn't talk much about the assassination after it happened either, further deepening the resentment many felt toward it.
Something else in the nation shifted that day. People saw that there were people so adamant to hold onto power that they would be willing to lead people to murder. As I wrote at the time, the bullet that was aimed at Trump wasn't aimed at Trump, it was aimed at you:
However, none of this, and I mean absolutely none of it, would be happening if Trump wasn't some threat to their plans for you. If you look all around the world right now, radical leftist leaders seem to be taking control of countries and oddly enough, they all seem to have the same agenda. Unsustainable immigration, environmental nonsense, lawfare against citizens who even remotely challenge the agendas, and more. Trump is the greatest threat to all of that, as America is still the most powerful country in the world, and he could be a massive wrench in the gears if he gets back into the White House.
His presence could disrupt, not just the left's plans for this country, but plans for other countries as well.
Plans that involve you.
Probably most important of all, it deepened many people's faith in God, including yours truly.
As I saw the reports come out about how close Trump was from death, but was spared by mere chance, I knew it wasn't chance at all. I can remember Romans 13:1 popping into my head at that moment.
"Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God."
The election was still a ways away, but I knew Trump had won. Luck is too often the misinterpretation of the will of God. I don't believe in coincidences. Trump was appointed the next president, and the moment that bullet grazed his ear was the moment many people knew, as I did, that God had a plan for the man.
My colleague Becca Lower recorded a similar reaction from many, who came to the same conclusion I did. Monica Crowley noted that "it was God alone" who saved Trump that day.
Lieutenant Governor of Texas Dan Patrick also attributed Trump's survival to God:
By the slightest turn of your head in a mere microsecond or the shield of a teleprompter, your life was spared by the Grace of a Merciful and Holy God. I shared with you not long ago, on our flight to Houston, that God has had his hand on you since you first ran for President. That I believe. No man could survive all you have been through without the Grace of God upon you.
The Bible verse "And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?" appears in the book of Esther 4:14.
Praise God your life was spared "For such a time as this."
Your friend always,
Dan Patrick
This wasn't just a moment that defined an important moment in an election, or the turning point in a nation, this was proof that God was in control no matter how much some members of humanity wanted that control themselves.
As I said, this moment will reverberate for decades, and not just through America, but throughout the world as Trump's policies and decisions shape it. More than that, many individuals will remember this moment as one where God revealed His hand.