
It's Not News, It's Democrat Fan-Fiction

AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski

I'm often torn between two opinions about the leftist media complex. 

On one hand, I see their reporting and wonder if they're living in the same reality I am. Do they see everything that I'm seeing? Surely, they're bearing witness to the same events, hearing the same people talk, and seeing the same outcomes I am. If not, then where are they? 

On the other hand, I know good and well that evil exists and that in a fallen world like ours, evil would seek out places of influence and power in order to infect everything it can. Through a series of unfortunate decisions and life events, one can be influenced to spreading that evil themselves. They can even convince themselves that the evil they spread is good, or that this evil is necessary in order to achieve ends they see as good. 

Either way, what we end up with is a media complex that has no problem blatantly lying, misrepresenting facts, and deliberately hiding the truth in order to push agendas they see as positive in some way, shape, or form. They report the world as they want it to be, not what it is. 

In the cultural realm, we would call this kind of writing "fan-fiction" or an enthusiast's non-canon story that utilizes the characters, settings, and more from a pre-established story. Sometimes fan-fiction can be very good, but most of the time it's awkward, horribly written, and nonsensical. It's the "fan-fiction" realm, where you'll find fan-written garbage about how Luke Skywalker and Han Solo ended up being lovers or Harry Potter transforms himself into a woman and proceeds to get up to weird stuff. 

Watching the media, it's oftentimes that level of weirdness. 

Take, for instance, this bit of blatant fiction from MSNBC contributor Molly Jong-Fast who said, with a completely straight face, that Donald Trump's VP pick, J.D. Vance, wants more white children because he believes in the "great-replacement" theory. 

(READ - Embarrassing: MSNBC Contributor Faceplants After Trying to Hit JD Vance With a Wildly False Accusation)

For those who don't know, Vance's wife is Indian ethnically, and they have three children together. If Vance is a white supremacist as Jong-Fast is implying, then he's one of the worst I've ever seen. 

And it's not like Vance is hiding his children. He's taken plenty of pictures with them that are available to the public. I just checked his Wikipedia page, and it also mentions his multicultural wedding and the three children he had with his Hindu wife, and Wikipedia is a bastion of left-leaning information. 

What kind of world does Jong-Fast live in? Because it's not ours. Her take on Vance's stances are pure fantasy and demonstrably so. 

We don't have to stop there. One of the largest purveyors of Democrat fan-fiction is "The View" where the hostesses consistently demonstrate their ability to soak their own minds in falsehoods in order to believe in a world that doesn't exist. 

As my colleague Mike Miller covered, the coven went into how Kamala Harris is a "moderate" as Sara Haines noted: 

Vice President Harris is really – and this is my — I don't have input here, but what I'm seeing — only looking at moderate beloved Democrats. And what that says to me is, for the person saying, "You're too extreme," she's the only one that's actually checking in with the American public. 

Forty-three percent of this country identifies as independents. They are more moderate than the minority extremes would like you to think. By minority I mean partisan extremes. But the country is in the middle.

She's saying, ‘I see you as voters.’ So, it’s not just political strategy. I feel like she's thinking about people like me when she's picking her vice presidential candidate.

Miller put it well in his article. 

"Setting aside Haines's complete mischaracterization of JD Vance, for a bit, the co-host's portrayal of far-left-wing Harris was the stuff of fairy tales — delusional fairy tales, that is," Miller wrote. 

It's true. Harris is demonstrably no moderate. She's not only advocated for what amounts to communism, her radicalism has been on full display for ages. Her time as California's AG is a perfect example of how authoritarian and leftist she is, and it's not exactly a hidden fact. Tulsi Gabbard blasted that info out on national television during the 2020 Democrat primary and so much of America saw it that it forced Harris's popularity to plummet and eventually forced her out of the race early. 

That, my friends, is a canon event...yet to the media none of that ever happened. 

Harris isn't a woman who cares about the American people. She locked them up for far longer than they should have been given their charges and used them for what amounted to slave labor. It looks really bad when quite a few of these people she locked up were minorities. 

If Vance had done that in any capacity, the media wouldn't be able to shut up about it. Instead, they're too busy making up stories about a fictional Harris. 

They're writing their own personal take on events hoping you would believe it too. To be sure, there will be some who do. The media's influence is crumbling, but it's still pervasive. They will convince people that certain individuals have characteristics they don't actually have, and rewrite events so that the thing that happened didn't happen at all. 

It's fan-fiction, and it's pathetic. 


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