
Yes, Leftists, My Ideology Is Better Than Yours

AP Photo/Matt York

The other day I posted a short clip from my show "Brandon Morse Is a Brand Risk" to my various social media accounts. While few of them truly elicited a negative reaction, some of these clips become attractors for leftist rage. 

One of the subjects I talk about that truly angers the left is their perversion and corruption of the arts. My latest clip addressed this, noting that the social justice and woke culture obsessed see no issue with taking the works of greater artists and altering them until they become carriers for their socio-political message, oftentimes ruining the work in the process. 

While the comments were spread out among the various social media platforms this clip was posted on, many followed the same theme. 

"Oh, so you think your way is better?" 

Let me answer that honestly. 

Yes...yes, I do. 

The only difference between my belief about my way being better and the left's belief that their way is better is that my belief stems from common sense and experience regarding what works and what doesn't. The left's belief their way is better comes from misplaced hubris and a radicalized ideological belief system designed to see everything around them as being guilty of a modern social sin. 

To use a metaphor, if I activate a burner on a stove I know that if I put a cast iron pan on it, it will get very hot and denaturize anything I place in that pan. 

The left believes that the pan is a cat. 

I'm hardly kidding. Radical ideologies force people to perceive reality in a way that isn't real. Like Don Quixote, a simple windmill becomes a monster they must tilt at. Any attempts to tell them it's just a windmill are met with the leftists accusing the truth-teller of being monsters themselves. 

They're so buried in their own ideological beliefs that, not only can they not see reality, but they also delude themselves into believing they're heroic and better than everyone else for seeing around them all and spotting what the "evil" hiding in the hearts of the masses. 

As feminist grifter Anita Sarkeesian once confessed, "Everything is sexist, everything is racist, and you have to point it all out."

Moreover, they believe it's their job to destroy it by any means necessary. This includes what are blatant attempts at brainwashing, but what they believe is actually "fixing" problems. So full of themselves are these social justice adherents that they will take the works of people like Tolkien and pervert and corrupt them to fix the "problematic" issues they believe are embedded in his stories. 

(READ: The Hubris of the Woke)

Look at any piece of work that has been commandeered by the radical leftists in Hollywood. Can you honestly say they improved the works of people like Tolkien? Of course not. Amazon's "Rings of Power" series was a complete joke and the viewership numbers reflected that. As we speak, Marvel and Star Wars, once untouchable brands, are crashing and burning at breakneck speeds thanks to a hefty woke injection of modern politics. 

What about that makes these "better," and how does that prove the radical left's ideas are "better?" 

They may answer with "Well, we're not racist, sexist, or bigoted." 

Ah, but the left is all of those things, they just think they aren't because they believe who they're racist, sexist, and bigoted against deserve it. Their idea is that the people they believe they're fighting the good fight against are purely evil, and that everything they love and care about must be destroyed, taken, or perverted. 

This doesn't just mean works of art, this also means your workplace, your government, your military, your doctor's office, your food, your home, and your children just to name a few. And each inroad they make doesn't improve anything but causes suffering, depression, hunger, suicide, destruction, and death. 

What about that is "better?" 

So yes. My way is better, but I'd make one amendment here in that it's not necessarily "my way." It's a way I adopted by watching and learning from those who have actually done it better and learning from the mistakes of those who didn't do better. What they call "my way" is actually an amalgamation of the way people have done things over the course of generations. It's an adaptable model that allows me to alter my opinions and methods based on what works and what doesn't. 

Don't get me wrong. I have rigid beliefs, but these beliefs are based on proven models and examples of what improves the world and the lives of those who live in it. 

Ultimately, my way is based on a model that drives success and upward movement. The left's model is based on the delusion of a dictatorial Utopia they'll never achieve. 


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