
Hate Has a Purpose

AP Photo/Thibault Camus

“Then there are pockets that are really virulent and violent and racist — and sexist and homophobic and all those awful things. And I choose the side of the light. That’s the part of fandom I’m most attracted to.”

That's a quote from Nia DaCosta, the director of Disney/Marvel's recent failure The Marvels. Like many woke directors who watched as their boring, cookie-cutter movie was ripped apart by audiences, DaCosta's reaction to her movie being disliked was to accuse her detractors as hateful people. 

Are they hateful? Well, in a way, yes. However, in a much larger way, no. 

They're definitely not hateful in the way in the way DaCosta wants to paint them as. The vast majority of these people who criticize her movie aren't racist, sexist, or bigoted. They're not irrationally horrible people who just hate a creation because a woman starred in or created it, or because there were too many people of color in it. That's a fantasy people like DiCosta live in because the truth is far more painful; they just aren't that good at what they do. They probably could be, but their obsession with their own ideological positions combined with their unwillingness to listen to critics will forever keep her and people like her as F-tier creators. 

But their detractors do have an element of hate to them, and they're not wrong to have it. That's because this is a hatred of evil. 

Or at least, that's where the dislike of works like these starts. 

The woke ideology is, at its core, evil. It originates from a bigotry of its own, namely that of Western culture and the people whom they blame for its establishment, white men. This is why creations that seem soaked in social justice all follow the same patterns. White men in movies and television are often relegated to one of two roles. Either they're the villain, or they're the incompetent and incapable sidekick to the much stronger and smarter woman...even if the show's main character is the white man in question. The feminism in these shows is often overbearing, and very recently, they've gotten a lot braver about anti-capitalist messaging. 

Strip away the social justice propaganda and you'll notice that woke culture is racist, sexist, bigoted, and hypocritical. It is, in itself, a religion of hate...and it deserves to be hated. Its creations deserve to be hated. Any ideas that spawn from this ideology that lends to its strength should be hated. 

Hate has a purpose. 

The left likes to make it seem like hate is a horrible thing, and indeed, it can be. A butcher knife wielded against a person can be a horrible thing, but in the hands of a professional butcher, a butcher knife can help feed a village.

Hating evil is necessary for a good society to flourish. Hating things that would bring it down is integral to peace. This could mean anything from horrific crimes to ideologically based creations that encourage divisions based on hateful concepts. 

It's okay to hate murder. It's okay to hate rape. It's okay to hate genocidal doctrines and it's okay to hate concepts that push for the reduction of an entire race or sex. It doesn't mean that the people who hate these concepts hate people, and it definitely doesn't mean that they hate someone for their identity. That's what those on the left do.

But hating these social justice ideas and concepts things drives a fighting spirit against them, and people need to have that in order to rescue their own culture, and no one can be blamed for wanting to fight for their culture. 


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