
It's Not 'Cancel Culture' When a Person Is Punished for Committing or Endorsing Real Evil

(AP Photo/Vincent Thian)

"It's only cancel culture when you disagree with it."

It's an excuse I've heard on multiple occasions from contrarians who think conservatives are being hypocritical when they engage in their own version of cancel culture, but there are moments when someone's reputation and livelihood are destroyed because they truly deserved it, not because they fired off a political take a mob of people didn't like. 

Sometimes, ruination comes to people because they supported or engaged in truly horrible things that require a form of societal punishment. Pretty much everyone agrees that if a person is trying to follow in the footsteps of Hitler, resurrect the Nazi Party, and spend a lot of time advocating for the death of Jewish people, then that person should be shunned and blacklisted from pretty much every job under the American sun. 

Why? Because Nazism is evil. It's a highly racist, economically backward, and genocidal belief system that killed millions of innocent people and helped propagate a World War that killed millions more. 

So it shouldn't be that mind-boggling when the American public, including its corporations, begin rejecting those that embrace its ideological spin-offs like the terrorist group Hamas, which advocates for almost all the same things the Nazis did, only under a religious pretext that would arguably be even worse. 

As Bonchie noted in his article on Tuesday, some of those who were cheering on Hamas's attack on Israel and screaming "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" — another way of advocating for the destruction of Israel and every Jewish person therein — are now finding their career options are swiftly disappearing and their reputations taking a dive. As Bonchie points out, these people are now decrying cancel culture and calling this the resurrection of McCarthyism despite their advocating that their political opposites should be no-platformed at every opportunity. 

But this isn't a matter of mere political disagreement. This isn't a silly argument about a hot-button topic or someone tripping over a newly formed buzzword. What Israelis experienced at the hands of the terrorist group Hamas was very real evil. Cheering on the genocide of an entire race is very real evil. Advocating for an any-means-necessary approach to the destruction of a nation, including launching attacks on innocent civilians behind the relative safety of innocent civilians is very real evil. 

If you advocate for this, then you are part of that very real evil and you deserve to have your reputation ruined and your life infinitely complicated just like we do to the neo-Nazis here in America because, at the end of the day, there's very little difference between you and them. 

Evil is often masked as social justice. Racism, bigotry, misandry, and more are more than common in today's era but like rust on an old playground, it's painted over with talks about "oppressors and the oppressed." In truth, it's just evil finding excuses to be evil. This same thing is happening right now with the "Free Palestine" movement. 

It is evil. There are no two ways around it, and endorsing the evil that's accomplished under that cause's banner should see you shunned and ruined. 


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