Gina Carano, popular for her role as Cara Dune on The Mandalorian, hasn’t been shy on her opinions about the 2020 election’s integrity and despite entire waves of outrage mobs coming at her, she still continues to poke at the subject.
On Tuesday, Carano tweeted out a meme that slammed the election once again but this time roped in the vaccine that fellow Disney actress Leticia Wright also had questions about and was subsequently run off of Twitter for.
“Sure, I’ll take the vaccine, just mail it to me,” says the meme posted by Carano. “My health and safety are too important to show up in person. Just like mail-in voting you know, safe, secure, and honest. So just mail it to me and I’ll give myself the shot and send the paperwork back saying I’m vaccinated. You all trust me, right?”
Carano included a “crying laughing” emoji.
— Gina Carano đź•Ż (@ginacarano) December 8, 2020
A few things about this post.
For one, it’s completely okay for people to feel a little nervous about injecting things into their bodies. Just as Wright did, questioning the vaccine and its effects on the body is not only a logical thing to do, it’s wise, too. Maybe it will be completely harmless and there was no need to worry about it in the first place. Maybe the distrust will be justified and people will begin falling ill because of it.
Individuals who do not wish to take the vaccine have reasons that range from logical to asinine but regardless, those reasons are theirs and the individuality of the person should be respected. Throwing them all into a conspiracy theory column and canceling them because they disagree with a mainstream idea is over the top, especially for this particular subject.
Secondly, I want to commend Carano for her willingness to take heat from a mob that so many others in her position fear so much they preemptively grovel and obey to them. We need more people like her on the mainstream stage and I sincerely hope she inspires other actors to do the same.
Thirdly, it’s clear that something is wrong with this election and we should definitely approach the situation with a measure of serious responsibility in order to root out the problem and make sure our elections are free and fair. That said, it’s okay to laugh about things, even about serious things.
We could all learn to laugh a little bit more, especially during a year like this and surrounded by people who believe laughing about anything should be a social taboo. Laugh to feel better. Laugh to rebel.
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