A new poll shows that Black Lives Matter is losing support across the country and Black Lives Matter is to blame.
According to the Pew Research Center, the organization that became the most popular political movement in the country dropped 12 percentage points since June. This drop is happening despite the movement getting refreshed outrage from nationalized shootings such as Jacob Blake:
As racial justice protests have intensified following the shooting of Jacob Blake, public support for the Black Lives Matter movement has declined, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. A majority of U.S. adults (55%) now express at least some support for the movement, down from 67% in June amid nationwide demonstrations sparked by the death of George Floyd. The share who say they strongly support the movement stands at 29%, down from 38% three months ago.
A decrease in support for the movement is happening across various lines. Along racial lines, support from White and Hispanic people is seeing more significant drops:
The recent decline in support for the Black Lives Matter movement is particularly notable among White and Hispanic adults. In June, a majority of White adults (60%) said they supported the movement at least somewhat; now, fewer than half (45%) express at least some support. The share of Hispanic adults who support the movement has decreased 11 percentage points, from 77% in June to 66% today. By comparison, support for the Black Lives Matter movement has remained virtually unchanged among Black and Asian adults.
The Asian community also saw a drop in approval for Black Lives Matter, going from 75 to 69 percent.
Dicing the numbers up by party lines shows a significant change on the right while the left hasn’t seen much of a change at all. White Republicans went from a 37 percent approval to a 16 percent approval. Meanwhile, Democrats have also dropped, but only from 92 percent to 88.
Before people begin blaming racism for the cause of its falling popularity, it should be noted that this is the Black Lives Matter organization we’re talking about here. This organization has been responsible for riots across the nation while it offers no solutions for the problem except offering unpopular ideas such as defunding the police.
It has also overtaken Americans’ daily lives and places where they go to get away from politics, such as sports. The NFL itself has experienced a steep drop in viewership due to its embrace of social justice messaging provided by Black Lives Matter. This has likely soured America’s view on the organization as well.
It’s likely that as Black Lives Matter continues to force itself on the public, approval for the organization will go down.
In England, it would appear that Black Lives Matter is already being rejected in the mainstream. The Premier Football League has dropped the organization and adopted its own anti-racism movement which is far more inclusive and apolitical.
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