Brie Larson’s fame leans more into the “infamy” category. Larson is one of those celebrities that believes it’s her job as an actress with a platform to preach at you about social justice, feminism, and pretty much any trendy issue that floats across our culture.
Larson’s way of ginning up buzz for her films is to paint them as projects that advance us socially, which not only carries something of an air of high-brow self-importance soaked in out-of-touch ignorance, but also pre-loads her mostly boring roles and films with defense against criticisms, giving her and her defenders a made-up high ground against those rascally “sexists” and “bigots”…
…or what the rest of us call “people who simply disagree with some things.”
Suffice to say that Larson’s work screams of a social justice warrior trying too hard to be a figurehead, and her try-hard quest has now taken her to make content on YouTube.
I should probably be clear about something. I don’t mind a celebrity having their own YouTube channel. Celebrities are people and if they have a good idea then I think they should show it to us. John Krasinski’s channel, an answer to our toxic news cycle, “Some Good News,” was a massive hit that took the world by storm. Actor Kevin James’s YouTube channel is a place where he and his crew make hilarious and brilliant comedic skits.
My problem with Brie Larson is that she joined YouTube as an activist’s vanity project. She joined with the full backing of YouTube’s hard-left administrators with her video featuring, safe YouTube approved stars, each of them praising her in some way. Larson’s enthusiasm looks and feels fake and even her attempts to sound relatable came off as cringe-worthy.
The premise of Larson’s first video is that she’s joining YouTube and doesn’t quite know what to do with it yet. Popular YouTube content creators who aren’t PewDiePie, its most successful creator, take turns giving Larson advice on what to do in order to become successful on YouTube.
It’s all dog and pony as YouTube already pulled out all the stops to make her popular, giving her #1 on trending, having YouTubers gather to star in her video, etc.
Right off the bat it feels, looks, and sounds fake, and the more you watch the more fake and self-serving it becomes.
A perfect example is when Larson begins talking with random YouTubers about gaming. Larson says she’s a gamer but when asked what she played, her answer was “mostly Nintendo,” a very general answer. She does mention Animal Crossing, which is fair, but seemed disingenuous when she said she plays games like “Fortnite” and got into gaming thanks to “Mario,” another highly generic answer.
Everyone has played Mario. Even my grandmother played Mario with me, God rest her soul.
This isn’t me gatekeeping as a gamer, but my fellow gamers and I have been through this before and we know what comes next. A professed love of gaming followed by a vague and unconvincing description of gaming knowledge by an avowed social justice warrior is usually followed by attacks on the gaming industry and gamers themselves. The last time that happened we waged one of the largest cultural battles in the western world to date. We won and the hard-left hasn’t forgiven us since.
I should also mention that I’m not trying to gatekeep as a YouTuber either. I cringe at my own content.
My problem is that Larson’s bubbly introduction to her YouTube channel is a sorry cover for what will undoubtedly become yet another platform to push social justice activism and hard-leftist ideals with the help of the institution that is currently censoring conservative thought. She mentions in her video that YouTube is a place where you can learn to be a good activist, a moment that didn’t really escape anyone as the comments section will tell you.
As of this writing, Larson’s channel 96k likes and 77k dislikes, putting a near split in approval. By the time it’s all said and done, I don’t picture Larson’s flagship video getting any better. It shouldn’t. Larson’s YouTube video is everything the public is tired of when it comes to celebrities. It’s out-of-touch, self-serving, fake, and even though not much preaching went down we know full-well it’s coming in subsequent videos.
If any celebrity reads this, don’t do what Brie Larson has done. We don’t need it. If you really want to join YouTube then, by all means, join YouTube, but do it honestly.
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