Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has become the leader everyone loves to hate but in America’s defense, she sure is giving people a lot of reasons to feel that way. Especially after hearing from a Michigan Senator that Whitmer sent rude text messages to her after she publicly thanked President Donald Trump for helping her recover from the Coronavirus.
Appearing on Tucker Carlson Tonight on Friday, Michigan State Representative Karen Whitsett told host Tucker Carlson that instead of sending her congratulatory texts about getting over the virus, Whitmer had sent less than kind texts to Whitsett over the fact that she applauded Trump for his promotion of hydroxychloroquine, which both she and her physician confirmed helped her recover from the virus.
Not only has Whitmer been unkind, but Michigan’s Democratic Party is also looking to censure her for applauding Trump.
“Why they would expel me is beyond words for me,” Whitsett said. “This is something that I did not expect, I started out with a simple thank you to the man that is the president of the United States. It’s a thank you, I didn’t know that thank you had a political line. I didn’t know thank you belonged to one political party over another, and that if you’re in one party you cannot say thank you to another person. I had no idea.”
Carlson asked if it was Whitsett’s promotion of hydroxychloroquine that might have sent Whitmer and her fellow Democrats over the edge, but Whitsett believes it just boiled down to showing kindness to Trump and giving him credit where it’s due.
“I think it was just me as a state representative that I was out of line, according to possibly our governor,” she said. “Taking myself and going to the White House to speak with the president of the United States, I think it was a kind of ‘how dare you,’ because the person who is in charge of the 13th congressional district actually works for our governor.”
Wow. Instead of working to get Michigan what it needs to fight the coronavirus, Gretchen Whitmer is harassing a COVID-19 survivor and getting lapdogs to censure members of her own partypic.twitter.com/rOYY2di41A
— Elizabeth Harrington (@LizRNC) April 25, 2020
Carlson asked if Whitmer had said anything nice at all and Whitsett replied that she’s said nothing kind to her. She also added that she’s not going to be intimidated into silence.
“Actually, it was not as pleasant as that, and the text messages that we have had since then have not been as pleasant as well,” said Whitsett. “I’m not going to stand by and be quiet, nor will I be silenced by anyone when it comes to the people in my community.
“I don’t care who it is,” Whitsett added. “If you’re not doing right by us, if you’re not doing right by black people within our community, I’m going to stand up, and I don’t care who it is. I’m going to stand up against you, I’m going to speak out, and right now I’m speaking for the people who can’t speak for themselves. That is my job, that is my responsibility, that is my duty, that’s what I’m sworn to do. And I don’t care who it is, I will go up against her any day.”
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