Who could have possibly guessed that masses of people wouldn’t jump at the chance to pay extra money to watch the lowest-rated, major news network? Apparently, CNN couldn’t guess, because the powers that be decided that launching a streaming service called CNN+ was a great idea.
Unfortunately for them, that gambit isn’t working out too well. Even though it’s only been out for one day as of this writing (March 29th), the lack of subscriptions has Discovery, CNN’s new parent company, talking about absorbing the streaming service and laying off employees.
Breaking: @CNNplus employees bracing for layoffs possibly as soon as May amid projections of lackluster sales of new streaming channel; CNN employees say new streaming channel could be merged into larger @discoveryplus as early as May unless subscriptions pick up 130 @FoxBusiness
— Charles Gasparino (@CGasparino) March 30, 2022
I sure hope Chris Wallace has an airtight contract because that massive deal he received to headline CNN+ isn’t looking like too good of an investment right now. You may recall that Wallace left Fox News on fairly bad terms, trashing the top-rated news network and appearing to suggest he was headed to more professional, moral pastures.
Of course, since his departure, CNN has suffered from multiple scandals involving the sexual abuse of minors and sexual harassment of staffers. Jeff Zucker, who once helmed the network, was also forced to resign after a scandal of his own involving his mistress. According to sources, Wallace has responded to that by having meltdowns at the lack of support he’s getting now that Zucker is gone.
So how bad are things for CNN+? So bad that they are now offering 50 percent off for life in order to try to entice signups. That’s not normal marketing. That’s desperation.
CNN+ already running a "50% off for life" special. LOL. pic.twitter.com/9ErVaTQslh
— Sister Toldjah š (@sistertoldjah) March 29, 2022
Who knows where things go from here. CNN+ is not only set to star Chris Wallace, but also Don Lemon as well. In other words, it’s set up to be an absolute disaster — even before it gets off the ground. Perhaps Discovery will go ahead and merge it into their main streaming service in an attempt to keep it afloat. I can’t imagine them just admitting defeat this quickly.
Still, the way this has gone down is almost poetic. CNN is a network made up of arrogant, extreme partisans who don’t just try to compete but try to destroy their competition because they can’t compete. They deserve to fail, and it appears that’s exactly what they are going to do. In the end, I think Discovery is going to clean house and that we will see a lot of familiar faces that have gotten way too comfortable demoted or let go. The liberal network isn’t sustainable as it sits, and CNN+ obviously isn’t going to help matters.
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