Joe Biden had his “town hall” last night on CNN, and for the most part, he managed to remain upright. RedState covered some of the more noteworthy clips here, so be sure to check that out.
There were times when the former VP devolved into nonsensical ranting, but the curating of the questions to allow him to repeat his talking points helped a lot. Of course, that’s when he wasn’t re-plagiarizing lies he told in the 1980s, but I digress.
Back on the curation of questions, Eddie Zipperer from The Daily Caller put together a quick super-cut of some of what was asked. Given that you probably didn’t waste your time watching the event (consider yourself lucky), it’ll give you an idea of how just how hot and heavy things got.
Every question was basically an invitation to deliver his talking points. CNN is nothing more than a propaganda network. Say what you want about Fox News, but the hard news people there would never do this for any candidate.
— Eddie Zipperer (@EddieZipperer) September 18, 2020
It just went on and on like that the entire evening. Even the “Republicans” who asked him questions were really just there to tee up soft-balls for Biden to flail wildly at. The comparison between this town hall and the one ABC News did for Trump is night and day.
The comparison between ABC’s Trump town hall and this tongue bath CNN is giving Biden is just amazing.
— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) September 18, 2020
Biden didn’t receive one overly hostile question the entire night. That apparently wasn’t by accident either. One of the supposedly randomly chosen questioners turned out to be a long time Democrat operative. You can bet more like this will be uncovered.
Do you think CNN actively searched for Biden supporters in the area, or they just asked the Biden campaign to give them a list? pic.twitter.com/saSfKMRnwy
— Zach Parkinson (@AZachParkinson) September 18, 2020
Meanwhile, Anderson Cooper as moderator was basically a bystander, there only to laugh occasionally and help guide Biden through the process. He never once pushed back on some of the insane lies that were told, including the idea that Trump could have prevented every single COVID death had he done something differently with his response. Such a suggestion is disgustingly dishonest, yet Cooper just sat there.
Things got so bad that not even Politico could keep from pointing out the absurdity.
When Politico accuses CNN of a softball Interview, you know there’s a problem.
This man might become POTUS, yet still, too many reporters think their role is to help make that happen instead of asking hard Qs.
The media is broken. https://t.co/VOUUJ0KR8D
— Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) September 18, 2020
It goes without saying at this point, but CNN is just pure left-wing propaganda. While Trump took a hostile stage for ABC and handled every question thrown at him, including some really, really bad faith ones, Biden could only handle an hour with Anderson Cooper holding his hand. The questioners were obviously hand-picked and no one who would even think about pressing Biden was allowed to speak. That’s going to be the plan all the way until the election.
Further, it’ll be the plan at the debates. Whoever the moderators are, they will do everything in their power to protect Biden. They will cut Trump off, they will not press Biden on his lies, and they’ll stick to topics that keep Trump on the defensive. It’s a foregone conclusion at this point.
(Please follow me on Twitter! @bonchieredstate)
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