While the coronavirus has taken a bit of a backseat lately in the political scene (and thankfully so), the media know it’s one of there last lines of attack against the President going into November. This means a continual flood of misinformation and hysteria, much of which has been pointed at Florida, which suffered their spike mostly last month. Gov. Ron DeSantis had the courage to push back on nonsensical measures like total lock downs and he was rewarded with a flattening of the curve and about 5x less deaths than New York per capita. Meanwhile, the media insist that Gov. Andrew Cuomo did a superior job because nothing has to make sense these days.
Despite the onslaught, DeSantis isn’t backing down. When asked today about going back into lock down in the future, he did not mince words. Be sure to click on the tweet and so you can see liberals call him a murderer and such.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis: "We will NEVER do any of these lockdowns again." pic.twitter.com/YxJh2nxiV3
— The Hill (@thehill) August 31, 2020
That’s the right answer. Lock downs have been shown to be wholly ineffective at doing anything but delaying the virus. Even then, there are other, lesser mitigation measures that accomplish essentially the same thing. On the other hand, lock downs cause serious health issues for many people outside of just the risks of COVID. Depression, suicide, not allowing elective surgeries, and a lack of preventative care have cost more lives than we’ll likely ever be able to calculate over the last six months.
There’s more in the DeSantis clip than just the that line about lock downs as well. He explains his thought process, how he studied the virus’ life cycle, and how he came to the conclusion that doing what the media were telling him to do was foolhardy. There’s an interesting note in there about Peru’s draconian lock down that I wasn’t aware of. Apparently, despite being shut down by the military since March, they have the highest death rate in the world. It’s just more evidence the lock downs were pointless. DeSantis ends by noting all the extenuating health issues that stem from keeping people from going to see their doctors.
Of course, the media still won’t get over their lock down fetish. They are convinced that shutting everything down and crushing the economy is their ticket to power in November. It’s a cynical ploy and I think it’s already begun to backfire. The more voters in other states see success stories like Florida, the more they are going to question their own Democrat elected officials.
(Please follow me on Twitter! @bonchieredstate)
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