Kamala Harris and Joe Biden sat down for a non-televised “interview” with the New York Times. For the most part, it’s exactly the kind of fawning faux journalism we’ve come to expect from the mainstream media. But there were a couple of moments where Harris felt some pressure.
One of those was on busing, an issue she used during the primaries to essentially paint Biden as a racist. Perhaps the most viral moment of the early debates (aside from Tulsi Gabbard ending Harris’ campaign) was the exchange between Biden and Harris where she claimed his policies would have prevented her from going to school. She also pressed the former VP on his relationships with segregationists, going so far as to hint at him dropping out of the race over it.
But Harris is nothing if she isn’t a naked opportunist. That’s how she went from claiming she believes Biden’s accusers to being on his ticket. Now, she’s making it clear she wants you to forget about all that stuff in the primary.
This per HotAir.
That issue was the subject of one of the most dramatic moments on the debate stage during the primary — a searing attack that also gave some of Mr. Biden’s allies pause about Ms. Harris during the vice-presidential search process.
A discussion of that issue now, Ms. Harris suggested, is “a distraction from what we need to accomplish right now and what we need to do.”
Mr. Biden, for his part, stressed that both had moved on.
Well, that doesn’t really address the issue at all, does it? Does she still believe Biden is a racist, or at the very least is sympathetic to racists and their positions? For his part, Biden responded in the interview by saying he understood Harris’ position and that she simply didn’t know the depth of his record. That’s a fairly nonsensical approach, as the busing attack was clearly well researched and planned. It was not Harris just saying something on a whim.
Harris was also asked about her past criticism of Biden’s healthcare plan. She has previously signed onto Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All proposal before vacillating between several positions. Her response shows how unmoored she is from anything that resembles an ideological and principled position. Jazz Shaw points out the absurdity of it all.
So what did Harris have to say about that? She said (and this is a direct quote), “I signed on to that. I signed on to a number of bills that were about great ideas to fix the problem.”
Hey, you guys. I signed all sorts of things. Who can even remember at this point, amirite? But now I’m 100% onboard with Joe’s plan, whatever that might be.
She apparently thinks that painting herself as having no political center or self-control makes her look good in this case. She just saw stuff and signed onto it with no thought required. If Harris thought Sanders’ plan was the most popular, she wanted in. If she thought calling Joe Biden a racist could knock him out, she was willing to go down that road. When it came to sexual harassment allegations, Harris believed them until she didn’t.
That Biden picked this person to be his running mate shows how weak he is. She clearly was not his first choice, but he caved to the pressure to appease a certain segment of the left, namely rich white liberals who see Harris as some kind of pawn in their game of intersectionality. For her part, Harris was willing to flip-flop on whatever was necessary to get a shot at being VP. She’s the most manipulative and ambitious candidate since Hillary Clinton. Biden had better watch his back.
(Please follow me on Twitter!!! @bonchieredstate)
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