Private jets don’t pay for themselves, am I right?
Al Sharpton appeared on the one network shameless enough to still employ him this morning to keep the hustle going. The noted grifter, who’s become rich off the backs of numerous racial hoaxes, decided he couldn’t just take the loss after the FBI found there was no noose in Bubba Wallace’s garage.
You can find the statement of evidence by the FBI by going here.
Sharpton not ready to give up on the NASCAR “noose” story: "It’s clear what a noose represents … And then did someone know that it was in the stall when they did belatedly assign Bubba there? … I do not think that we’ve seen closure in this particular inquiry." pic.twitter.com/xzq5hQIWC5
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) June 24, 2020
Actually, it’s not clear at all. In fact, it’s perfectly clear that the loop tied in the rope was not a noose because if it were a noose, it never would have functioned the garage door pull rope it was. A noose is a specific kind of knot which tightens around whatever is inserted into it as force is applied. This wasn’t a noose. It was a regular knot to accommodate a hand closing a garage. That’s it.
Regardless, Sharpton’s conspiracy theory makes no sense. Is he saying this rope was left last year for someone when the only black driver is Bubba Wallace and he wasn’t assigned that garage last year? Does he seriously think the person who assigns the garages goes down and inspects them for noose like objects? None of this makes sense and it’s ridiculous that MSNBC is even entertains this. It’s an Alex Jones “the frogs are gay” level of conspiratorial ranting.
But Sharpton has never once paid for his crimes, and by crimes I mean actual crimes in some cases (he incited a riot with false pretenses that killed people decade ago), so why should he stop now? Bubba Wallace hasn’t stopped either, going on CNN last night to continue the false narrative that he was targeted. He arrogantly chastised those who questioned the story and proclaimed
The desire to capitalize on calling Americans racist is just too alluring for some people I suppose. The fact that this country lacks racism to such a large degree that people have to perpetuate false stories should tell them something. But it won’t. This cycle will continue, because again, there are no consequences. Lying about racism only gets you more TV hits, ad endorsements, and donations.
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