Does she walk this back within 24 hours or 48 hours? Because she’s got to walk this back, right?
Ilhan Omar did an interview with The Times (a UK outlet), which published over the weekend. When asked about Tara Reade, not only does she believe her, she took also took a baseball bat to Joe Biden’s candidacy.
Ilhan Omar tells @joshglancy “I do believe [Tara] Reade. Justice can be delayed, but should never be denied.” She adds that if it was up to her, Biden wouldn’t be the candidate. https://t.co/xCax3m5QYK
— Ben Jacobs (@Bencjacobs) May 24, 2020
The citation of justice is pretty definitive, though I’m not sure why someone would make a point to say justice “can be delayed.” One of the bedrock principles of our system is that it should never be delayed. Is she saying that Biden needs to be elected and then brought down later, or is she just saying that Reade’s accusation is old but is still relevant? You’d think it was the latter, as that makes far more sense. Yet, it actually appears to be the former, as in she wants to go ahead and get Biden elected anyway.
We won!
I am so grateful for your support.
Our campaign is looking forward to mobilizing voters and building the enthusiasm needed to turn out the vote and defeat Donald Trump.
United we can out-organize the Republican Party to keep Minnesota blue. https://t.co/fHePPDyGti
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) May 25, 2020
Let’s see if we can figure this out. Omar believes that Tara Reade was sexually assaulted by Joe Biden. But she wants you to go ahead and get out there to defeat Donald Trump, who is running against Joe Biden. Therefore, justice that she believes has to be served needs to be delayed a little longer to satisfy her political goals. I guess no one ever accused “the squad” of not being absolutely brazen in their hypocrisy.
Meanwhile, some Democrat voters aren’t too happy with her comments. If you browse the replies to the above tweet, you’ll see ads for her primary opponent spammed over and over.
Please follow and donate to Ilhan Omar's primary opponent, John Mason https://t.co/OS27K4lARs
— T. Fisher King (@T_FisherKing) May 25, 2020
Well, he sounds like an exact carbon copy of Ilhan Omar. What is going on up there in Minnesota?
What Omar wants is to have her cake and eat it, too. She wants to keep the “believe all women” moniker alive so she can use it when it’s convenient for her while still pursuing her political end of defeating Trump. It’s cynical, but she’s shown she can get away with just about anything.
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