Joe Biden’s descent continues.
He’s recently committed so many mental flubs that it’s become impossible to keep up with them all (see here, here, and here for starters). The latest comes today via an interview with a local news station, and it’s not actually something Biden said that stood out. Instead, it was one of his staffer’s jumping into the middle of the TV hit to cut the interview short.
WATCH: Joe Biden's staff interrupts local TV interview pic.twitter.com/4itxZOl9eS
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I’m not sure what the staffer thought would happen here. Was she speaking into Biden’s mic or did she have another line to the anchor’s earpiece and it got picked up by his mic? Either way, it’s clear she wasn’t thinking this would be on the broadcast. But there it is, Biden so unable to even manage even a simple interview, having to have his staffer step in to tell the interviewer what to do next. It makes one wonder whether Republicans get to call their shots like this, though perhaps local networks have to go with the flow with a national figure like this.
Over the last few days, we’ve seen a rash of polling showing Biden with a commanding lead. I’m not sure it matters. This is not a guy who’s going to maintain his status as the country begins to open up more. Campaign events are coming. The need to speak publicly is coming. Having to debate Donald Trump is a necessity. Biden can’t even do a local news hit without his staffers holding his hand.
What happens when his mind goes blank on the stump? He’s already had many moments where his words have slurred and he’s seemingly blanked out. That’s somewhat possible to play off when a friendly “journalist” is there to save you, but when it’s him and an audience that won’t be possible. Will his campaign just limit his events? Who knows, but what I do know is that they’ve got a lot to worry about.
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