Yesterday, news broke that Adam Schiff had finally released the transcripts from the House Russia investigation (see Adam Schiff Released the Russia Investigation Transcripts, Now We Know Why He Hid Them). These were long delayed, purposely covered up because they contained information that showed him to be a liar. Fortunately, Acting DNI Richard Grennell put Schiff in a headlock until he capitulated.
Here are some of the revelations from the transcripts just to give context.
NEW: former DNI James Clapper says : "I never saw any direct empirical evidence that the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting/ conspiring with the Russians to meddle with the election." — in transcript of interview with House Intel during its Russia probe.
— Brooke Singman (@BrookeSingman) May 7, 2020
NEW: @brhodes when asked whether he had evidence of collusion, conspiracy,coordination btwn Trump camp & #Russia:
"I saw indications of potential coordination, but I did not see, you know, the specific evidence of the actions of the Trump campaign"- per House Intel transcript— Brooke Singman (@BrookeSingman) May 7, 2020
Many other Obama officials, when finally put under oath, were also forced to admit they had no evidence of collusion and that they had been pushing a hoax for years. Adam Schiff, because he’s the most dishonest man in government, didn’t care. He continued to go on the Sunday shows to claim he had such evidence. This happened all the way through the Mueller report release and even continued after.
With Schiff once again being exposed as a massive liar, you’d think maybe he’d just be quiet. But no, he decided to go on a delusional rant instead.
Schiff: After making use of Russia’s help with his first presidential campaign, President Trump pressed the Ukrainian president to help him in 2020 by withholding critical military aid to that country and a coveted head of state meeting.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) May 7, 2020
Notice the careful use of language here. He’s no longer claiming he has evidence of collusion but is instead accusing Trump of “making use of Russia’s help.” This is a hat tip to the ridiculous report from the Senate, which Sen. Burr (R) let regurgitate a bunch of completely unproven allegations via the original ICA report from John Brennan. Trump did not “make use of Russia’s help” because Wikileaks released some stuff. It’s a ludicrous charge, based on a ludicrous standard because the Trump campaign had no control over that.
Also notice that Schiff, knowing the game is up, quickly shifts to yelling about Ukraine, another setup job of Schiff’s that failed.
Schiff on Trump/Russia: These acts ultimately led to the President’s impeachment in the House of Representatives and the first bipartisan vote in the Senate in our history in support of a conviction of a President of the United States.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) May 7, 2020
We can all thank Mitt Romney for giving Schiff that talking point, but I digress. Schiff continues by doubling down on his lying.
Schiff on Intel Cmte transcripts: The President’s efforts to make use of the help of a foreign power to win an election, and then to extort yet another foreign power to try to win again, represent a grave threat to the health of our democracy now and in the future.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) May 7, 2020
Schiff: The transcripts released today richly detail evidence of the Trump campaign’s efforts to invite, make use of, and cover up Russia’s help in the 2016 presidential election.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) May 7, 2020
No they don’t. Not at all, which why Schiff was never able to bring any kind of impeachment charges related to Russia. Nothing in the transcripts “richly details” the Trump campaign inviting, making use of, nor covering up Russia’s help in 2016. Once again, Schiff is trying to conflate things completely out of the control of the Trump campaign with getting “help from Russia.” It’s total nonsense. Further, even in the case of the Trump Tower meeting, which is likely what he’s trying to cite here, Donald Trump Jr. did not have any indication those in the room were somehow working for the Russians (in reality, they were working for Fusion GPS, at least concurrently).
Schiff: While..Mueller found insufficient evidence to prove the crime of criminal conspiracy..he refused to draw any conclusion on the issue of collusion..There is ample evidence of the corrupt interactions between the Trump campaign and Russia, both direct and circumstantial
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) May 7, 2020
Mueller did not “refuse to draw any conclusion on the issue of collusion.” His report directly stated that they found no evidence of such. It’s not a prosecutors job to “draw conclusions” outside of the evidence, nor to exonerate someone, though Mueller didn’t get that memo when it came to obstruction of justice.
Meanwhile, the question remains as to whether anyone in the media will hold him accountable. Jake Tapper, for example, has hosted Schiff dozens of times and allowed himself to be lied to continually. Will he now speak out? I have my doubts, but we shall see.
What we do know with certainty is that Schiff is one of the most corrupt people to ever step foot in the House and needs to be held accountable. Period.
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