Acting DNI Richard Grennell showed that he’s not one to be screwed with.
Just days ago, he told Rep. Adam Schiff he had two choices: He could either release the long-hidden Russia investigation transcripts as promised or Grennell would do it for him (see Richard Grennell to Adam Schiff: Either Release Hidden Transcripts or I will). That wasn’t a bluff, and this afternoon, Schiff had his hand forced. The transcripts have now been released and there are already some very notable revelations.
Most notable? Adam Schiff is a liar.
For years, Schiff has asserted that he had proof of Russian collusion stemming from the many interviews he did on the matter. As it turns out, he not only had nothing of the sort, several key players actually admitted under oath there was no evidence at all.
NEW: former DNI James Clapper says : "I never saw any direct empirical evidence that the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting/ conspiring with the Russians to meddle with the election." — in transcript of interview with House Intel during its Russia probe.
— Brooke Singman (@BrookeSingman) May 7, 2020
And here’s Ben Rhodes.
NEW: @brhodes when asked whether he had evidence of collusion, conspiracy,coordination btwn Trump camp & #Russia:
"I saw indications of potential coordination, but I did not see, you know, the specific evidence of the actions of the Trump campaign"- per House Intel transcript— Brooke Singman (@BrookeSingman) May 7, 2020
NEW: Former AG Loretta Lynch was asked whether she had evidence of collusion, coordination or conspiracy.
She said that she did "not recall that being briefed up to me."
"I can't say that it existed or not," Lynch said,according to House Intel #Russia transcripts #LorettaLynch— Brooke Singman (@BrookeSingman) May 7, 2020
NEW: @SamanthaJPower, when asked if she had evidence of collusion,coordination, conspiracy btwn Trump camp & Russians:“I am not in possession of anything-I am not in possession and didn’t read or absorb information that came from out of the intelligence community,transcript shows
— Brooke Singman (@BrookeSingman) May 7, 2020
These are the kinds of statements that could have put the entire Russia collusion fiasco to bed years ago. There’s absolutely no question Schiff hid this for so long because he wanted to continue to play politics. He knew that these transcripts would essentially kill his quest, so he sat on them until today.
Meanwhile, people like James Clapper went on TV and proclaimed to have seen collusion taking place, all the while knowing they had given the opposite testimony behind closed doors and under penalty of perjury.
Clapper made those remarks to the House Intel Committee on July 17, 2017
Here is Clapper in May 2019, while being paid by CNN: “What was the Trump campaign doing the same time was essentially aiding and abetting the Russians” https://t.co/569g0DHCcw pic.twitter.com/xhNv9TzorC
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) May 7, 2020
It should also be asked why none of this ever leaked. We had more leaks from this investigation than one can reasonably keep count of, but these exculpatory statements never saw the light of day until now.
How did such a clear statement not leak by any of the “patriots” who spent years leaking to the WashPost and NYT?
Why did Clapper not say this in TV weekly as this country was torn apart by the Russia joke? Cold-blooded thugs stood by as lives were upended by a known hoax! https://t.co/Bx0remilUZ
— Yossi Gestetner (@YossiGestetner) May 7, 2020
Adam Schiff is a really, really bad person and a total fraud. That’s the basic takeaway from this. He’s been lying to the American people this entire time, claiming to have things he didn’t have, all while knowing the truth. He purposely tried to cover-up the evidence, only finally releasing it under threat from Grennell.
The sad thing is that Schiff will pay no price. He’ll continue to be put on the Sunday shows, journalists will keep swooning over him, and he’ll keep making wild accusations without proof. That’s his tack and he’s certainly not going to change it now. We now know the truth, though, and he can’t stop the train that’s begun to roll forward. A lot more is going to come out, and none of it is good for Schiff, the Democrats, nor the media.
So hold onto your hats because Grennell isn’t done yet.
#NEW Sources tell @FoxNews acting DNI @RichardGrenell planning to release new trove of documents as early as tomorrow. Expected to be related to the #Russia probe and will be significant. Per @edhenry
— Kevin Corke (@kevincorke) May 7, 2020
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