Newsom's American Vision: Rubio's Closes 48 Locations Due to 'Rising Cost of Doing Business' in CA

A yummy taco. (Credit: The Nix Company/Unsplash)

At RedState, we warned you that California’s new business-busting fast food law that requires an eventual $20 an hour minimum wage for fast food workers would have drastic consequences—and indeed it has. Mexican food favorite Rubio’s Coastal Grill abruptly announced the closure of 48 CA locations over the weekend, leaving workers in the lurch, citing “a thorough review of its operations and the current business climate.” Specifically, the business climate in Gov. Gavin Newsom’s formerly Golden State:

“The closings were brought about by the rising cost of doing business in California,” a spokesperson for the restaurant chain told The Post on Tuesday.

Now it’s only fair to point out that Rubio’s has suffered financial difficulties in the past, so California’s new law, signed by failed Gov. Newsom, isn’t the only factor to blame. But the fact that a beloved chain famous for its fish tacos is abandoning so many outlets in the state, even though it originated in San Diego, is a sign of the times.

The law has been controversial since its inception, since to many, it represents just another business-killing effort by California’s brain trust:

The higher wage is blamed for 9,500 lost jobs through the end of April, representing a 1.3% decrease since September 2023. In addition to layoffs, fast food chains are utilizing greater automation and price increases to offset higher labor costs. 

Because fast food is such a large, visible sector of minimum wage employment, small businesses say they also face pressure to raise wages to compete for the same pool of minimum wage workers. 

“We need to start calling out our state’s role more often as a contributing reason ‘underperforming’ fast-food franchises are being closed by their parent companies,” said National Federation of Independent Business California Director John Kabateck to The Center Square.


RedState has covered the calamity extensively.

Apologies for all the links—but there are many stories to tell:

$17.50 for a Burger and Fries?! Get Outta Here!

Like AB5, CA's Fast-Food Minimum Wage Hike Results in Layoffs, Closures, and Higher Prices

California Pizza Hut Operators Laying off All Delivery Drivers Due to Mandated Wage Increase

McDonald's and Chipotle Are Raising Prices in California, You Can Thank Gavin Newsom and the Dems

McDonald’s Franchisees Slam Draconian CA Fast Food Bill, 'Will Result in a Devastating Financial Blow'

As I’ve written, I don’t personally hold the individual restaurants or chains responsible, and I carry no grudge against them, but I visit them extremely rarely these days. Who has the extra cash lying around when we’re already faced with soaring Bidenflation in our energy and grocery bills?

Instead of a fatter paycheck, many workers are finding themselves on the unemployment line:

Will work for food:

Newsom's CA: Fast Food Employee Starts Work Day Only to Find Out She's Out of a Job Thanks to New Law


One thing I can never wrap my head around—why do progressives always sound so highfalutin yet keep passing legislation that just makes life worse for the average American? The only thing even more confounding than that is that so many people continually vote for these disastrous zealots to stay in office.

Sadly, the company was just celebrating their origins not long ago:

Just a year ago January, the chain was celebrating 40 years in business. Co-founder Ralph Rubio discovered his love for fish tacos after a trip to San Felipe on the Sea of Cortez in Baja California.

 “We would camp on the beach, eat fish tacos in town and drink Coronas. And that was my first exposure. It was very much a Baja thing,” he told SCNG’s Fielding Buck last year.

Too many focus on the fact this is happening in "crazy California," where voters who elected these nutcases are "just getting what they deserve." But make no mistake about it: this is Newsom's—and Biden's—vision for America, and don't be surprised if it comes to a state near you. 

Ignore it at your own peril.

I certainly wouldn’t mind a fish taco about now, but I’m not sure even where I would be able to get one.


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