HOT TAKES: Liberals Gloat Now, but This Verdict May Come Back to Haunt Them

Mark Peterson/Pool Photo via AP

It was the judgment heard around the world: the guilty verdict delivered by 12 New York jurors in Donald Trump’s fraudulent business records trial Thursday. Many legal pundits were astonished by the sheer audacity of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and biased Judge Juan Merchan, both of whom seemed to say, forget the Constitution, forget the law—just get this guy.


Not so on the liberal side, however—instead, the usual suspects are gloating over the fact that they set a disastrous precedent that may have ramifications for decades to come. 

Bragg was quick to pat himself on the back for destroying the norms of our legal system:

And what’s a tainted, fraudulent proceeding without California’s noxious Rep. Adam Schiff?

Another California Rep.—he who lays with Chinese spies—also thought people would want to hear from him:


And, of course, our divisive president, who claims these various lawfare trials against Trump are not about politics, yet immediately steps in to further politicize the situation:


Biden-Harris Campaign Issues Completely Disgusting Statement After Trump Conviction

Another one of the most loathsome characters on Capitol Hill also took a moment to cheer on the weaponization of our legal system:

All this gloating is deeply disgusting, considering what they had to do to get this dubious conviction, which will be appealed and stands an extremely high chance of being overturned. They may be grinning and full of good cheer now, but this verdict may very well come back to haunt them. If—I’d like to say “when” but you just never know—Trump re-enters the Oval Office, what’s to stop him from appointing a vindictive, politicized attorney general who will come after Democrats with the full force of the justice system? What’s to stop local prosecutors like Bragg from suing former presidents—or even current ones in the future—for made-up crimes? 


They’ve opened up a Pandora’s box here, and I hope they live to regret it. 

More reaction: 

Hot Takes: Mike Johnson, Ron DeSantis Nail the Big Issue With Trump Verdict As Other GOPers Sound Off

Trump Campaign and RNC Donation Websites Crash After NYC Guilty Verdict


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