“Dr.” Jill Biden said in an interview Tuesday that her husband, President of the United States Joe Biden, has “done so much” and that she wished “people could see more of what Joe has accomplished and how hard he’s working.”
The problem is, Joe may be working, but his policies are not, as gas prices are at an all-time high, the stock market is in crumbles, his approval rating is at historic lows, and the economy is officially in a recession by any rational definition. Jill’s own star has been fading recently, as she stepped on a rake with tacogate and her approval ratings crumbled.
“Sometimes it feels like we’re pushing this boulder up the hill, but progress is being made,” she said in an interview with Real Simple.
Real Simple magazine is a lifestyle mag dishing out cooking secrets and shopping tips. Why the First Lady is sounding out here is a mystery. The headline of the piece reads: “Exclusive: First Lady Dr. Jill Biden on What It Means to Be a Working Mom.”
Jill gets her “Dr.” moniker because she earned a Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in educational leadership from the University of Delaware In 2007. I’m not one to demean someone’s credentials, but the title doctor is misleading as many people think she’s an actual medical M.D. (Check out Whoopi Goldberg’s priceless reaction, where she hopes Jill will become the next surgeon general because she’s such a “great doctor.”)
I’m sorry, but…. she’s a working mom? Her youngest kid was born in 1981. Meanwhile her stepson Hunter has not exactly turned out so well, so I’m not sure hanging her hat on that one is such a good idea.
Does she wish she had more time to spend on parenting? Yes:
Of course! Especially when you have kids, right? You’re always thinking, “Did I spend enough time at his game?” Or, “Should I have said that?” You’re always questioning yourself because you want to be the best mother you can be, the best teacher you can be.
Wait, what game did she not spend enough time at? Is Hunter in an over-40 softball league? She then goes on at length to describe her dinner-party habits, including her regular use of Post-It notes to remind people to cut the lemons and tomatoes. Finally she gets back to reality:
I don’t want to sound like a political ad, but we have done so much. Gas prices are a huge issue, and Joe is, every single day, on the phone talking to leaders about gas and oil. These problems are coming so fast and furious, and certainly a lot of it is dark, like you said. But I wish people could see more of what Joe has accomplished and how hard he’s working.
People can’t see what Joe has accomplished because he can call leaders all day and night about gas and oil, but his energy-killing policies are clearly what is to blame for the insane prices at the pump. Sure, they’ve been touting that prices have come down in recent weeks, but I took this photo Sunday, July 28:

Hardly something to brag about.
Most of the rest of the interview descends into cutesy, gossipy conversation about baking cookies and her candle-light dinners with Joe. It would be sweet if they were your grandparents or an older couple that you enjoyed spending time with. I actually applaud her for standing up for her husband; in the words of the great Tammy Wynette, “Stand By Your Man.” But her efforts at defending what is now being openly talked about as the worst-administration-of-all-time fall flat.
Quite simply, there is no defense of this presidency which is presiding over a tanking economy, an unhappy populace, a fraught world order, an out-of-control border, and so much more. I appreciated her tips on lemons, but they won’t solve our problems.
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