Democrats Continue to Not Get It, Poll Says 75 Percent Think Biden Migrant Invasion Was an 'Accident'

AP Photo/Christian Chavez

Democrats are still numb and in shock over President Donald Trump's overwhelming victory in November, and Republicans are not shy about admitting that they are having a ton of fun watching them flail about. You don't have to look far to find a liberal talking head on television who is still completely clueless as to why Democrats lost in such a grandiose fashion. However, a new poll shows the obvious: it is not just the usual suspects in Washington, D.C., who refuse to do any kind of self-reflection, it is the people who elected them as well. 


A New Harvard-Harris poll taken between February 19-20 of 2,443 registered voters shows that a whopping 75 percent of Democrats say they do not believe that Joe Biden and his hapless administration threw the doors of the United States wide open for millions of illegal immigrants to pour into the nation deliberately. The poll asked this question: "Do you think Democrats deliberately kept the southern border open to bring millions of immigrants into the country illegally, or was that not their deliberate policy?" Of those polled, 80 percent of Republicans believe the opposite, that Biden administration immigration policies were very deliberate. 

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Despite rank-and-file Democrats' assertion that Biden administration immigration policies were not deliberate, there is plenty of evidence that might say otherwise. Programs like "Parole" and "Welcome Corps at Work," along with billions of taxpayer dollars, often at the expense of actual American citizens, were nothing more than a wink and a nod at illegal immigrants to come on in. 


After many, shall we say, questionable activities surrounding the 2020 election surfaced, there has been much speculation that Democrats wanted to ensure that they would maintain power in perpetuity. The theory goes, as Joe Biden's disastrous policies forced many traditional Democrat constituencies like African Americans, Hispanics, and union members to take a second look at the Republican party, the clear answer for Democrats was to import new voters in the form of illegal immigrants. Give them access to the American Dream, and they could create a permanent stream of Democrat voters.

The rest of the poll seems to show that Democrats are just not getting where the majority of Americans are on the issue of immigration. Of those surveyed, 81 percent said they supported the mass deportation of illegal immigrants, especially those who have committed crimes. Another 76 percent said they were on board with “[c]losing the border with added security and policies that discourage illegal crossings.” On what might turn out to be the drawn-out legal question of birthright citizenship, 45 percent said they agreed with denying citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants. 

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But it is not just immigration where there is a large gap between what Democrats care about and what the American people care about, and they refuse to try to bridge that gap in any meaningful way. Their only semblance of a policy continues to be to oppose anything Donald Trump does, despite overwhelming support for it, and focus on things like transgenderism and climate change. If these are the hills Democrats are choosing to die on, they will be looking at at least one, if not two, losing election cycles. 


Republicans would be wise to heed the words of Napoleon, "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."


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