Still Think Trump Derangement Syndrome Isn't a Real Thing With Real Symptoms? This Doctor Says Different

AP Photo/Erin Hooley

You know how you feel when you feel a cold or the flu coming on. You start out just feeling tired and run down, and before long, you are in full-blown misery with a fever, runny nose, maybe a sore throat. You feel like death might be a viable alternative. All you want to do is eat chicken soup and watch daytime TV or just sleep. Since 2015, America has been dealing with a pretty lethal strain known as Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Usually sane, marginally rational humans become rabid ideologues with no tolerance for anyone but those who suffer from the same affliction.  


Those of us on the right have enjoyed hours of making fun of the TDS-afflicted. But now, a doctor, a real M.D., says TDS, he didn't call it that, is a real thing with real symptoms. He knows because many of his patients have come down with it since November. Dr. Glenn Burnett is an internal medicine physician in Jackson, Wyoming. He recently appeared with journalist and political analyst Mark Halperin on his "2Way Tonight" podcast and says that since Donald Trump's win in November, several of his patients are suffering from "significant mental health issues."  

READ MORE: WHOA: Raskin Calls in Psychologists to Help House Democrats Cope With 'Trump Derangement Syndrome'

Before the election, in October of 2024, Halperin himself, in an interview with Tucker Carlson, predicted a "historic mental health crisis," including "addiction, divorce, and violence." But now it appears it is a real thing. Burnett says that a few of his patients are experiencing "depression, anxiety," and other issues, much in the same way as what some people experienced after 9/11. Burnett said that he also had patients complain of the same symptom during Joe Biden's presidency, but "It has been extremely intense. The week or two after the election was pretty intense. It then calmed down, and now it’s really back up.”


So, exactly what sort of symptoms are Dr. Burnett's patients coming to him with? He described it this way.

“We are dealing with depression, anxiety, all kinds of medical problems that are related to that, like insomnia, chest pain, chest pressure. And then people are — there’s some genuine fear, panic. I hear things from people all the time that I just — I don’t want to repeat because they’re — people, I don’t think, would believe me, that just people have these very, very severe anxieties about what is going to happen to them. And it is affecting their lives.”

Halperin then asked Burnett if his patients were specifically saying that Trump's reelection was the cause of their symptoms or just not saying what they think is the cause. Burnett stated, “I think it has a lot to do with Donald Trump and the fears of what he’s going to do or what’s happening in the country." 

Conservatives and Republicans may have been a bit down in the dumps for the four long years of the Biden administration. But, for the most part, in the spirit of Andrew Breitbart, we considered ourselves happy warriors and continued the fight. It seems to be the defining characteristic between left and right. Dr. Burnett also mentioned the practice of uninviting family members with differing viewpoints to holiday gatherings. He said:


"When people behave like that, they become very, very isolated, and then they don’t have the normal human interactions to really go on with life. And then they end up with these severe mental health problems.”

ALSO READ: When Leftist Friends Just Can't Get Along With *You* After the Election

That uninviting may be more prevalent with liberals than conservatives. You don't have to go far to find a conservative who has been unceremoniously dropped like a bad habit for being a Trump supporter by a leftie "friend." But there may be a layman's explanation for TDS. More and more, politics is a religion for the left, and a large part of that religion is hating Donald Trump and anything or anyone remotely associated with him. It permeates every aspect of their lives, and when they are confronted with someone who thinks differently, they don't know how to process it, and it literally manifests as physical symptoms.

Dr. Burnett is an internal medicine physician. He may need to refer these patients he is describing to a doctor of a different kind of discipline.



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