
Female Olympic Boxing or Domestic Violence? For the IOC, Wokeism Is More Important Than Safety

AP Photo/John Locher

I happen to be one of those who have gone through life with zero athletic ability. Needless to say, Gym was not my favorite hour of the day in school. So, because of that, I might have a bit more appreciation for those who do. Athletes know very early on in their careers that the sport they play is a love and passion for them. They have gotten up early and stayed late for practices from the time they were little kids. It is a way of life.

I was 11 when an unknown gymnast from Romania named Nadia Comaneci took the 1976 Olympics in Montreal, Canada, by storm. At 14, she was only a few years older than me. She received perfect 10 scores in every event she competed in, and I am pretty sure that I was among millions of 11-year-old girls around the world captivated by her.

My how the Olympics have changed. The 2024 Paris Olympics don't seem to be as much about the athletes and the spirit of competition as they are about political correctness and wokeism. From the opening ceremony to the unlivable Olympic Village to triathletes rightly afraid they will get sick from being forced to swim in the Seine River that is, quite frankly, gross. 

But the Paris Olympics have taken it a step further and may have embraced men competing in women's sports. More specifically, in women's boxing. My colleague Bonchie and I have both covered the story of two Olympic boxers who are suspected of being transgender or "intersex." According to International Olympic Committee (IOC) officials, however, all the athletes comply with eligibility requirements, and their passports state that they are women, therefore they may compete as women. One of those boxers, Imane Khelif, fought Italian female boxer Angela Carini. The results were catastrophic for a host of reasons.

The match itself lasted 46 seconds. Carini took two punches from Khelif and could not go on. Just like that, something she had trained for her entire life was over in a matter of seconds. Carini complained of "severe pain" in her nose, but her other comment is the one the whole world should hear. She stated, "I have never been hit so hard in my life." Once again, we have possible biological males competing against women, but in this case, there is physical contact. Under any other circumstance, a man hitting a woman is classified as domestic violence. And that is exactly what this is: domestic violence thinly disguised as a sporting event. 

I hope I am asking for millions of other women, but what has to happen in order for this insanity to end?! Will what usually has to happen for something to change happen? Former 17-year-old volleyball player Payton McNabb was severely injured in 2022 when a transgender opponent spiked the ball and hit her in the face. Now 19, McNabb suffers from brain damage and paralysis on her right side, which makes it difficult to walk without falling. McNabb was spot on describing the Carini-Khelif fight, saying, "It used to be illegal for men to beat up women, and now people are putting it on TV and watching it."

We seem to ask this question a lot, but where are the feminists? Where is the outrage that not only are women's sports being erased, something women worked so hard for, to be on the same level as men's sports, but in this case, this is actual violence against a woman, and it is being called a sport? The look on Angela Carini's face when she spoke after the match said it all. The heartbreak and defeat have to be almost too much to bear. It's one thing to lose fair and square, but in the eyes of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), that is what happened. It's just business as usual. Move along; nothing to see here.  

Ironically, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's expansion of Title IX to include transgender individuals is supposed to take effect today. However, injunctions and lawsuits by at least 26 states are preventing that from happening. I really don't want to hear one more thing about how Kamala Harris and the Democrats "care" about women. They do not. But the erasure of women's sports and women in general is now officially worldwide. Domestic violence is now a sport; it's entertainment.  

It is a sad trade-off. If other female athletes forfeit their competitions and refuse to compete with those suspected of being biological males, they risk losing their chance at other medals. This has got to stop. My message to every woman would be: Stand with Anglea Carini. You never know if you will be next.


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