More and more, it seems that companies are bending over backwards to bend a knee to “cancel culture,” as RedState’s Brandon Morse wrote on Wednesday.
And by now, you’ve likely heard about streaming platform HBO Max’s decision to take down classic film “Gone With The Wind” from its library, and maybe even the leftist culture mob’s strike at… an animated children’s tv show about police dogs. Yes, really!
The rage mob is coming for PAW PATROLhttps://t.co/58jYa3TV8m
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) June 10, 2020
But on her daily, syndicated radio show Wednesday, host Dana Loesch pointed out why the activists’ attempts to use the protests over George Floyd to deconstruct our nation’s culture and history just won’t work.
In an opening monologue, Dana said, in part:
“Do you realize that when you make art and film, that it is a snapshot of that culture, that society, at that time? You realize that, right? There are things that I have learned about history, because of the attempt to be accurate in the storytelling of fictional movies, that I don’t think I would have fully-grasped sitting in a history class. You know, as a kid. There are certain things. Like, I remember… full disclosure: I’ve seen “Gone With The Wind” one time…. I loved the fact that [Scarlett O’Hara] was just unapologetic. She’s what I imagine Joan Rivers would have been in another life. I watched it, and I was actually…. it’s crazy to think that people lived like that. Right? I mean, you’re watching this story, in the midst of this awfulness….
“I began thinking about it more and more throughout the morning [before the show], and I began thinking about Hattie McDaniel. Because she was the first black actor to win an Oscar, and that was legendary. She won an award; she was so good, that even during that era, she could not be denied…. And even if there were a bunch of racists at the Academy [of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences], they had to give her the award. Because there was just no denying how good she was.”
She continued, “Now, HBO Max is saying, “Well, we’re going to pull this movie, because everyone is a jackwagon. And we solved injustice, good job, everybody! Yay! ”
Then asked a question: “If it was so simple as pulling some shows and films, why in the hell didn’t these people do this earlier?”
But ended with a pointed comment about the activist left: “I’m just asking a question. You can’t ask questions anymore. You’re supposed to be stupid. That’s politically correct. I hate everything.”
You can watch the entire monologue, which took place during approximately the first 10 minutes of the video livestream, on Dana’s Facebook page.
But my colleague Sarah Lee has shared one silver lining in her piece about HBO Max and “Gone With The Wind.”
Sarah wrote:
But perhaps HBO Max figured that out since they made the decision to return it with commentary that puts the film in context and offers the appropriate denouncement of the indignities and inhumanity of the time.
Even so, their timing couldn’t have been worse — as our sister site PJ Media’s Ed Driscoll shared at Instapundit, Wednesday would have been McDaniel’s 127th birthday. That’s quite a birthday present, don’t you think?
Now, satire publications like Waterford Whispers might make a valiant effort to send up the controversy about the animated “Paw Patrol,” but it’s getting hard to tell satire and the Left’s real-life actions apart — like this 2018 piece in the progressive-friendly The Onion– “‘Paw Patrol’ Writers Defend Episode Where German Shepherd Cop Shoots Unarmed Black Lab 17 Times In Back” – shows.
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