Perhaps the greatest and certainly one of the most damaging frauds perpetrated in modern times by progressives is DEI and the entire culture of Woke, which is a real thing.
The Biden crowd sought to infect our precious military with this cancerous culture that everyone, in effect, gets a trophy because the results do not matter. Everyone should get the same rewards, recognition, etc., because they are important.
Numerous friends in the military assure me that this damaging school of thought has not significantly penetrated below the words of obedient brass, who had to demonstrate their virtuous Woke thinking to this departing White House.
Woke is intended to undermine the American culture of exceptionalism, that anyone can succeed as much as they can and want. And then get rewarded accordingly.
That everyone has the right to pursue Happiness. Results are not guaranteed.
I wrote here a while ago about some Virginia high schools that withheld notice of National Merit Scholarships won by excelling students because they did not want the non-excelling students to feel badly. Seriously.
This cost scores of students thousands of dollars in college scholarships that could have helped their families and education.
Other examples of this perverse thinking abound across the country. New Jersey just passed legislation eliminating the requirement that teachers pass proficiency tests in basic subjects such as arithmetic, spelling, and English. So, the people who will be paid to teach these subjects do not have to know these subjects.
All because, Democrats there allege, it is simply too hard to recruit teachers these days. I go into detail on how and why they do this in this week's audio commentary below. It's just one example of how Woke infections continue to spread.
No single local example causes a huge national outcry in opposition. So, they continue to multiply piece by piece. As does the adverse impact on our society of turning out crops of high school graduates who cannot read at eighth-grade levels.
Media helps spread the wonders of Woke, extolling its alleged virtues and covering up the corrosive costs to our society over and over again.
We can only suspect and fear the alternate culture of mediocrity, at best, that Wokesters would impose as a replacement.
Donald Trump ran on a platform of rooting out and destroying this culture. And he has publicly assembled a team dedicated to doing just that. That work cannot begin too soon.
For a holiday period that's supposed to become quiet in terms of news, the one we just completed sure wasn't.
President-elect Trump has been dominating the news even before he takes office as he selects Cabinet secretaries and key aides to implement the plans that got him elected by a convincing mandate.
This week's Sunday column analyzed what the new commander in chief seems likely to say in his tone-setting Inaugural Address on Jan. 20. And explains where these opening presidential addresses come from. In one case, it caused a presidential death.
In another of his last-minute stink bombs, Joe Biden commuted the death sentences of 37 murderers on federal Death Row. The action overrides all the core work of those judges and juries of peers.
To make it worse, the reputed Mr. Empathy didn't bother informing in advance the survivors of any of the killers. He let them be shocked by media reports.
Biden claimed he was compelled to let the convicts live because, you see, he is now opposed to the death penalty.
So then why, I asked on that recent audio, did the worst president in modern history leave three other mass murderers on Death Row still facing execution?