
Joe Biden Eyes Address on Donald Trump Verdict - but Does Anyone Truly Care?

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

The unidentified people who, Joe Biden admits, tell him what to do sent a couple other unidentified Democrat minions out this week to leak word to sympathetic media functionaries that their presidential sock puppet was considering making a speech from the White House when the Trump trial verdict came in.

This president who is unaware of where he is or Kamala Harris' job title likely doesn't know that he's pondering such a thing, just as he didn't know how to open a screen door the other day. 

The speech leak is merely a trial balloon by desperate staff to gauge public opinion in case they did trot out Joe Biden to make such a speech from the White House celebrating his predecessor's unprecedented trial and conviction on a misdemeanor charge inflated into a felony by another Democrat district attorney sponsored by George Soros.

Speaking from the White House, they claim for the benefit of gullible Americans, would make the remarks a presidential address and nothing that could be considered a political gambit. And if you believe that, you were probably marching for civil rights down South with Biden, which he didn't do.

Does that give you a sense of where this decrepit commander in chief and his political posse have taken our country in his disastrous term?

Making the speech news info a leak instead of an actual announcement also covers them in case (God forbid!) Trump is found not guilty or it's a hung jury. It only takes one stubborn juror to stymie this prosecution into another waste of millions or a retrial to do it all over again. 

Do you think Biden would come out anyway and hail the blind justice system that exonerated his despised opponent? 

No, that would be too classy for Hunter Biden's father.

And it reveals how desperate the so-called reelection campaign has become, given the overwhelmingly negative numbers and indicators and pathetically small crowds surrounding Biden's professed bid to serve until 2029, when he would be 86 years old.

Look at the photo above. While Biden leans into the microphone or closer to read the teleprompter feeding him lines to address a gym half-full of party loyalists, Harris mugs for people off to the side who aren't paying attention to the president either.

The Russiagate collusion hoax did not do in Donald Trump's political career. Nor did two impeachment trials by a Democrat House. So, we've come to this.

Because gloating over the arranged trial and conviction of your previous and current White House opponent is such a terrible idea, hypocritical, and in such colossally bad taste, it's quite likely Joe Biden would do it. And he'd spice it with some of his trademark shouts and conspiratorial whispers. Maybe even a brain freeze.

And perhaps a ramble about his deceased son returning from Iraq in a flag-draped coffin, which never happened.

That's the stunning subject of this week's audio commentary.

This week we posted another in the growing string of personal Memories. This one dealt with a remarkable rock I encountered on a Montana mountainside one afternoon. And the unexpected history lesson it held.

This week's Sunday column emerged from my realization that the more Joe Biden "campaigns" at these contrived events with few supporters the worse his poll numbers get. And the more Trump's grow.

The most recent audio commentary came out and said what an awful lot of other people haven't: We don't really have a functioning president these days.


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